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Everything posted by Dancop

  1. Are engineering samples allowed? Here stands nothing that it won't be allowed
  2. Hahaha...I've had a lot of matrix now...all hynix...maybe next week I'll get my first Samsung But today I'll play my hynix with the new bios
  3. Or change the modules...I mean, the slots they are in
  4. Damn...one more hw record I have to do now Nice work man!
  5. Na...this setup likes gpu clocks...if someone does it with ln2 on gpu, I'll be beaten easily!
  6. Dancop

    Computex 2016

    You see that this is for 2015?
  7. Have u tried all timings on auto except the first 4 and 1t?
  8. Dancop

    Computex 2016

    I'm in with my wife....is there any pre Registration this year?
  9. Stepongziiiiiiiiiii Great work man! Love your 3d!
  10. Thanks a lot guys! I really must say, this starts to be my new 32m. You can have a lot of fun, seeing scores raining just through tweaking.
  11. Can't say anything else than, I am jealous!!! I tried so much, gained at 5g from 490k to 509k, but u should be around 550k or so... Chapeau guys!
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