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And if the rules were updated october 2016 and this is old result there is no need to violate the rules now :) - the new rule is for all results made after update ;)


maybe you want update rules every month! we have no enough time to check it allways. all our Cinebench results was token similar. if you check all results why don't notice befor? our 7350K cinebench results has similar screen shot

  • Administrators

It is not hwbots problem if you do not follow news or check rules regulary. This rules update was done because a massive cheating wave which was discussed for a long time and with several threads including some of them on frontpage news, on which also the rules update was announced. The scam included altered files at cinebench 11.5 and 15 and imho should have lead to a lot of bans, but at least a rules update was done to prevent this from happening again because you can spot it when you see the fully rendered image. If you want to blame someone, blame yourself for not checking the rules, and blame cheaters for making the rules update necessary. I think there is not much more to say about this...


you right and cheaters way must be close! But when we submite 7350K results @ 6.5ghz in last week why you dont notice? Repeat that mistake is your fault. Because its your duty to check all results and then approv it. So there is many results that hwbot staffs never check it and check only important results

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