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overriding pci subsystem id mismatch

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Hi Guys,

I have a problem with a GTX 780Ti Kp edition. I bought it some time ago from a guy. Mounted and the card seemed to work perfectly. However, going with the bios switch on ln2, the card doesn't start. Mounted as a secondary card and in windows it gives me error code 31. I try to flasch the bios of another identical card that I already owned and gives me the error overriding pci subsystem id mismatch. Reading between the lines I noticed that the card id is different so the person who sold it to me by mistake flashed the 780 Classy bios generating this error.

Can you help me who are certainly more experienced than me? I have also tried other bios for the 780ti kp but unfortunately everyone gives me the same error.

I also tried to force writing but in vain. I ask you and your knowledge for help.

Thanks in advance


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