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Team CP sharing 7950GT in April Challenge


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Scotty this is not personal it's a competition. I have been nothing but civil. Lord knows you had to sit by for months and watch me smash enough of your socket A scores. I'd be testy too.


BTW that's a joke Scotty before you start yammering about lines in the sand.


Knopf I don't know about good faith. It was done b/c Scotty is the only one who stood a chance.

Edited by OptyTrooper
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Oky it is sharing , and you can say what you whant :




Mr.Scott is ranked 4 of 6 with one 7950GT AGP and gets 0.8 hwboints


MrPaco is ranked 2 of 6 with one 7950GT AGP and gets 1.5 hwboints


Ranking 3DM01, all other benches like 3DM03 , 3DM05 , 3DM06 and AM3 have only one entry with that card and that is MrPaco.


If Mr.Scott gets no points it would be Oky , but he gets points with an card which is

1. not his card

2. was used by another member (MrPaco)

3. Both getting points with the Same card in 3DM01 regardless of the Competition.


That is against the Rules , and there is no point of saying that is oky it is not.

Remove that score , because that is Hwsharing regardless of this Competition because Exactly the Same card was used to get 2 scores for 2 Teammebers and both are getting points.

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I understand what you are saying, I am in no way disputing that about the personal points issue.but If you would re-read posts #13 and especially post #20.

Yes I benched that card for the various 3D Benchmarks not MrScott.


I would also call upon the Bot Staff for just abit of clarity.

When benching for PERSONAL POINTS, said member is to bench n submit what they own, that i perfectly clear...

For a TEAM COMPETITION; the members of said TEAM TOGETHER bench their COMMON hardware and the best gets credit.

Now my question is: How can it be a TEAM COMPETITION if the TEAM members can not pool their resources together for the TEAM competition?

If one member has a good motherboard, another has a good cpu, another has a good gpu and together it is benched and submitted as a TEAM ONLY for TEAM COMPETITIONS why wouldn't that qualify for TEAM COMPETITION. As it is now the way everyone seems to understand this TEAM COMPETITION is really a EACH MEMBER COMPETITION.


If I am wrong, Than my apologies to all who were affected by this missunderstanding, I surely did not in any way mean to break the rules and especialy be called a cheater...

Edited by mr.paco
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No you don`t understand it both of you getting these points 0.8 and 1.5 and the competition has nothing to do with that because 2 team members are getting points for the Same card in the Same Category (3DM01 , look @ my link maybe you understant it)


When the competition is over you 2 had these points for ya Team .

You both forget Something , if you upload an Score for an competition you get points for the Competition , and for the Bench it self (if you whant that, there was an button as ou uploaded the Score , where is written that :


[ ]Do NOT participate in hwbot rankings.


and both of you did not marked it .


So both of you get the points even when there will be no Competition.


MrPaco is ranked 2 of 6 with one 7950GT AGP and gets 1.5 hwboints


Mr.Scott is ranked 4 of 6 with one 7950GT AGP and gets 0.8 hwboints


Both entry`s are done with one card and when you Upload your scores you acceptet the Rules for 3DM01 regardless of the Competition


they Say :


4. Lending hardware, hardware sharing, score sharing/selling/buying


This in a delicate subject as we have to trust on the honesty of those participating at the HWbot that they are indeed using their own hardware and not sharing a golden sample CPU or VGA card.

Let’s start with what is allowed to be shared: everything except:


- VGA may not be shared for 3D Benchmarks

- CPU may not be shared for 2D Benchmarks

- special cases, like what to do with joint bench sessions and manufacturer hardware is explained here.




While the rules are quite simple and straightforward, enforcing them isn’t. If you are having a joint benchmark session, provide as much proof and information as possible when you submit a new HWBot score, which shows you were using your own hardware for the benchmark in question, a photo with a paper showing your nickname and the product serial number is good way to do this.


And for you it is - VGA may not be shared for 3D Benchmarks


Which you did , because both of you getting Hwpoints for ya team. Like i described it before.


And i didn`t call you an cheater , id say you both did Something wrong , it is not my point to give you an Warning or something. I only described what you both did Wrong and what isn`t oky.

Edited by Freakezoit
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Yep ,

And i don`t want that you get an ban for an mistake , but what you get or what you both have to do is not my descition , normaly the Mod`s have to say what has to be done .

Thank you. I really dont want to get banned for this. Hopefully with one of us deleting our 7950 3D01 run this will be ended.

Again Thank You


EDIT: I have just deleted MY 7950gt 3D01 run. Please let this this be the end of it...

Edited by mr.paco
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Frank, just sit tight and don't do anything. He has no power here. Wait for an answer from the staff.


BTW, I've already said, I didn't do it for points. I could care less about them, and have already offered to re-submit for no points. I did it for the TEAM competition, that's all. I know the rules, so all those who aren't staff here, trying to explain and enforce said rules can shut your traps. You're not telling me anything I don't already know.

Edited by Mr.Scott
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And you should not delete your entry`s because it`s your card.

Mr. Scott should delete his 3 entry`s because it isn`t his card he used.

If only one is deletet of 3 entry`s he will get points for his lower score of the other entry`s.


And Mr.Scott it is right that i can`t decide what to do , i send Pieter and Karl an PM about that.

You say you know what i meant oky that says alot about that.

Do what you want the Staff will decide.

You should know what happend to the last guy and his team , who did something like that.


I only wanted to help in an good way but....

Edited by Freakezoit
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Oky you think that i did that to get my team into first place , you forget that these things are something different.


And what i sayed is my personal meaning , i`m not @ hwbot since yesterday. So i know alot about such things .


I stop here discussing that. You will see what you get.

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It's not like you all got together and benched the card Scotty. It was deliberately mailed to you free for a express purpose. That constitutes hardware sharing under the rules including competition as has already been outlined. It's illegal. You know it, I know it, and the staff knows it.

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This looks more like a matter of following two different sets of rules/parameters.

A) The team challenge calls for using the team's resources to pair the best overclocker with the best hardware


B) The standard boint system prohibits the sharing of hardware.


They are contradictory.


Looking for intent to cheat, I'd look for Scotty to have submitted several other benchmarks using the shared hardware. As far as I know, he has only submitted results thru the team challenge competition engine.


Most of the remarks here are severly inflamatory and painfully obvious they are intended to provide a dramatic response.


As far as the team challenge goes, scotty operated within the parameters and simply obtained a better overclock within the parameters of the contest.


I'd hardly regard scott as a cheater given the facts and circumstances presented here.


Emotions run high in any competitive activity where people feel their honor and reputation are at stake. Still, we should try to maintain some level of maturity and level headed interactions. Its so easy to be a dumbass on the internet with a few self serving immediate gratification keystrokes rather than showing some class and discernment when wielding a keyboard.


How bout we leave the cavemen in the cave for a bit and pretend we have evolved as human beings that can actually interact with one another without resorting to kiddish psychological babble?

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Not surprising comment considering your thick as thieves with CP. On your note however I have been nothing but civil.


I'm not thick as thieves with anyone cuz I don't steal from anyone and I don't hold friends that do steal. I do have friends on CP and I consider Mr.Scott to be one of them but friendship doesnt compromise my integrity or my perspective. It is what it is.

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Thanks for all the input.


First things first, the solution:


- Mr.paco removed his submission from the competition (which he already did himself)

- Scott's result has been set to 'disabled for rankings'


I don't see the necessity to ban either users. They didn't try to cheat on purpose, nor did they hide the fact that it was the same card and pro-actively deleted one of the submissions.


Now, about hardware sharing.


The hardware sharing rules were not specifically designed to stop team members from pushing a hardware sample to the maximum, but to prevent teams from exploiting the local post office as main source of team points. In general, if there is no benefit from sharing hardware, there's no problem. In practice, this means as long as you check the 'disable for rankings' box you can use shared hardware. That little checkbox is basically an easy way out of any hardware sharing debate :).


As for sharing hardware for competitions: we have to acknowledge that there is no clear ruling about this. That two people have a different interpretation is therefore not impossible. Using your fellow team member's gear during a competition (with 'disabling points') doesn't even seem wrong; especially for a team competition this would kind of fit in the competition spirit. Using the same hardware within the same stage would be hardware sharing (as you are hindering other teams), using same hardware in different stages is ... something in between not sharing and the previous kind of sharing. Undocumented.

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Thanks for all the input.


First things first, the solution:


- Mr.paco removed his submission from the competition (which he already did himself)

- Scott's result has been set to 'disabled for rankings'


I don't see the necessity to ban either users. They didn't try to cheat on purpose, nor did they hide the fact that it was the same card and pro-actively deleted one of the submissions.


Now, about hardware sharing.


The hardware sharing rules were not specifically designed to stop team members from pushing a hardware sample to the maximum, but to prevent teams from exploiting the local post office as main source of team points. In general, if there is no benefit from sharing hardware, there's no problem. In practice, this means as long as you check the 'disable for rankings' box you can use shared hardware. That little checkbox is basically an easy way out of any hardware sharing debate :).


As for sharing hardware for competitions: we have to acknowledge that there is no clear ruling about this. That two people have a different interpretation is therefore not impossible. Using your fellow team member's gear during a competition (with 'disabling points') doesn't even seem wrong; especially for a team competition this would kind of fit in the competition spirit. Using the same hardware within the same stage would be hardware sharing (as you are hindering other teams), using same hardware in different stages is ... something in between not sharing and the previous kind of sharing. Undocumented.


Thank you Massman and the rest of the staff.:)

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Massman:"Using the same hardware within the same stage would be hardware sharing"


That's what they did and admitted they did it. I mean can it be more clear?


Yes, it is clear. The solution was to remove one of the two scores and disable points for the score of Mr.Scott.

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