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If you are having a joint benchmark session, provide as much proof and information as possible when you submit a new HWBot score, which shows you were using your own hardware for the benchmark in question, a photo with a paper showing your nickname and the product serial number is good way to do this.


This needs to be revised. The suggested photo with paper with nickname and serial number doesn't prove anything.


My suggestion


This makes the submissions moderators jobs easy and makes it more transparent for everybody.


Who must comply:

-Shared cpu[high clocking cpu plus/minus 100mhz] obviously is a team session. if one user submits within 6months from another team mate with same gpu and cpu.

-Team sessions with same gpus and crossfire/sli setups

-Each user with similar cpu and gpu must have a unique footage/video


What to include:

-Footage/video[easy to produce with teammate helping]


What to include in their footage/video for each user:

-Pan on time and date on the desktop[start time reference] or [phone with timer on video of course] gpu-z must be open.

-Pan onto the gpu and gpu pot front and back, highlight insulation job[difference], highlight mods if there are any. Then pot temperature[for extreme clocks, must be -20c or so]

-Pan back to include whole system on video including monitor/screen then

-Pan onto open gpu-z window running and clearly showing gpu model while time/date[end time] or [phone with timer running]

-Should be less than 30seconds

-Check video, make sure its useable if not use your logic [easy check: hit playback button]



1. No cropping of screenshots[include time and date] for uploading scores, use a screenshot maker.

2. User must have different/unique wallpaper, this is easy if you're not sharing

3. Upload video on youtube/vimeo, teams can use a team account on youtube.

4. Futuremark verification link.

5. Non-compliance: blocked score for other teammate/s or only one score for that same gpu and same cpu.


I'd like to hear your responses/suggestions.


you can't enforce these rules.

even if you can, why make team sessions less fun?

people will find other loopholes, so at the end of the day it will still be down to how honest they are


its an honor system really and honor can be short these days, there is no way to enforce any type of cheating to be honest. Screen shots with exact same hardware cannot be proven, 3dmark links arent always required and even those dont matter...IMO you shouldnt take the bot so serious..Serial number pictures are useless, video is useless. Cut away for a second and pan back in and boom is that another card or same card? people make hwbot points a reason to benchmark and thats not the right way, hwbot points should be a by product of doing what you enjoy. In any arena of life there will be cheaters, juicers, and rule breakers it something we have to live with.

its an honor system really and honor can be short these days, there is no way to enforce any type of cheating to be honest. Screen shots with exact same hardware cannot be proven, 3dmark links arent always required and even those dont matter...IMO you shouldnt take the bot so serious..Serial number pictures are useless, video is useless. Cut away for a second and pan back in and boom is that another card or same card? people make hwbot points a reason to benchmark and thats not the right way, hwbot points should be a by product of doing what you enjoy. In any arena of life there will be cheaters, juicers, and rule breakers it something we have to live with.




p.s. post serial numbers and let the manufacture/shop know that i did overclocked their products? no thanks :D

Jesus christ fuck off honda. go troll another forum.


uncle fester, mind your language please


This is a normal greeting in Australia.


Fuck off Jono, how's things :D






on a serious note, if you re-read that honda you would understand how un-enjoyable the team sessions would get if you had to jump so many hoops.


A while ago someone said that it's not our job to prove that scores are fake, its the users who have to prove that they are real. Just saying :)


I don't think demanding video evidence is a good idea, but if you arrange a huge event and people do bench at similar speeds questions WILL be asked, so it's a good idea to make sure you have something to offer in case people wonder if some sharing was going on.


I find it a good thing that people report results, would be kinda lame if nobody would report possible crimes to the police IRL, no?


Has this hobby really gotten to a point where that amount of effort is required to prove you're not sharing hardware? I may be new to this whole thing, but would I not be right in calling it a hobby? I bench for fun, going to that amount of effort in a group benching session sucks the fun right out of it, so what would be the point?


I agree with Splave, if hwbot is the only reason you bench then there's an issue there, it should and is for most simply a by product of benching, a new competitive dimension added to a fun hobby. If rulles and regulations start becoming that strict, then people are taking this far too seriously IMO.


LOL Dinos! :D

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