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Everything posted by marco.is.not.80

  1. I read your response on the forum. Fair enough. Nice job with this score.
  2. no shame with the thank you.
  3. topyoyoguybest @ HWBOT Am I honestly supposed to believe that this guy is a rookie when his temps, scores, timings and everything else suggests a re-roll... At the very least he should have already been promoted to whatever the league is that welcomes people with 17 degree 7700K processors. Look at his scores and tell me that something isn't fucked up.
  4. A rookie with i7 7700k at 17 degrees... The more I look at your benchmarks the more something doesn't add up. Your timings, your hardware, everything somehow suggests you are a re-roll.
  5. thank you sir - I'll stop hunting for a "secret download link" and just pony up the cash :-)
  6. Guys, what am I missing here? Do I actually have to purchase the full version to compete in stage 2?
  7. Well, this sucks BobaFet's rocket sausage. Just read in this thread that KabyLake isn't allowed. Wish that was in the rules or something so I didn't waste my time figuring out how I was going to get this 790i Ultra SLI board up with a QX9650 in it to contribute to the DDR3 stage... Went out a bought a PSU for it, etc. God this overclocking shit keeps costing me but I'm like "just another 0.1 hw point." Anyways, grats to whoever wins this thing. I gotta take my CrabbyLake and go sit in a corner.
  8. Those are great, guys!
  9. Apologies, I completely overlooked those details! Thank you for correcting me.
  10. Not sure how the scoring works for Stage 1 but how is it that I am awarded 2 points but have a higher score than Johnnyboy who was awarded 5 points?
  11. Thanks, websmile - that's definitely helpful for me and not sure why I never found your writeup via Google but much appreciated :-)
  12. Wow, that's really impressive. 12-11-11 at over 4000 - I can only dream. What I'm curious about is why no one has tested these - not just on this thread but it seems like they aren't getting any attention anywhere: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820232206 I've had mine for a while and just started playing with them the last few days and they are B-Die for sure (using Typhoon to pull the info - haven't actually cracked them open) but I just figured that a two stick set of high density memory @ low latency would've been something everyone would be jumping on. Please forgive my ignorance if I'm missing something and obviously I'm the little boy at the table compared to the rest of you and maybe at the very least you all get a chuckle :-) - Marco
  13. Was there an announcement anywhere about the memory draw? Actually, I can't find any announcement anywhere about this event after it closed.
  14. Nevermind, I just found the edit button - all fixed. Thanks!
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