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Everything posted by sofos1990

  1. For crusty and me Arrival: 4/6 at 11:45 Departure: 14/6 at 13:00
  2. If card is pci 3.0 then it will turn to pci 3.0. If it's pci 2.0 then it will be pci 2.0
  3. 1.1 pci express is when the card is idle. If you load the card pci turns to 2.0 or 3.0 depends what you have selected from bios.
  4. This is offtopic for the time BUT noone in the oc league is officially sponsored by a vendor or works for a vendor. Yeap, last months I got a kit of rams and a psu from Corsair and 4-5 boards from other vendors. But this is just my personal PR. I asked this hw from the vendors and they send it to me. Do the same if you can. This doesn't mean that in the next gen of cpus I will get again some boards or something else...maybe yes...maybe no.
  5. HQ is club Myst lol I want to see Trouff to dance again with the taiwanese girls haha
  6. I think Michal is right. Of course we all know that msi requires only msi vgas in its contests but rules weren't clear enough. It's hwbot's fault because the competition was up for one month or so and noone from the staff noticed this misunderstanding part. But here we have a winner and now you check the rules...
  7. Once nothing is gonna change at least for now, the only thing that I'm curious to see are the teams. To me it seems like a vendors cup. Asus team, Evga team, Asrock team etc. I don't think that someone can make a national team. That's why there's country cup. The same for the existing teams. Each team counts more than 5 persons and team cup is already running.
  8. The pro oc should had been there. In the pro oc league there were not only guys such as Andre and Vince with almost unlimited hw resources. There are also guys as phil who doesn't like to bench the old hw but at the same time they can't compete in the oc cup because of money, hw etc. What about them?
  9. I think most of the people in the pro oc league waiting Titan...then it's Haswell.
  10. Nice scores on pcmark with these multi-core beasts but please post a validation link or the subtests.
  11. Crusty, Gorillakos and me 99% we'll be there. We will book our flight the following weeks.
  12. Nice going Calathea
  13. You are doing something wrong. Now the score says 4x gpus which is not right. This result is done with 3x gpus. If I'm not that wrong 5970's cores are the same as 5870's. So why my result is listed at 4x cores?
  14. I can't believe that I will meet you haha
  15. I might be there as well. The problem for me is that I don't know if someone else from my country will come and I'm afraid that it will be a boring 25 hour trip. If you have any info on the hotels please post it.
  16. Try with GTX 680 on LN2. You will get a better GT3.
  17. Niceee !!! Good to see you benching again
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