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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. Love seeing subs like this. WTG Max. :)
  2. Both can be 8x, just have to be different cards.
  3. Happens to everybody. One of the hazards of our hobby. Sucks but it is what it is.
  4. Awesome effort you're putting in here. You're gonna make me scream my 890's.
  5. Benchmate doesn't run on legacy Al, or are you in favor of throwing out legacy too? Whatever. It would seem that opinions on legacy have already been made. You will lose more long time members than you think. No more posts from me here.
  6. I actually like Wprime, but it does have some flaws.
  7. Perfect. Throw out all the old guys that started this place in favor of the young guys that only want to push one button and run XTU and are never heard from again.
  8. And easier for the cheaters. That is the primary reason for all the redundant proof.
  9. No downclock for screenshot here. My run was at 4066. Only standard Wprime tweaks used. Minimal processes, realtime, TinyXP. Just kept hitting run. Had a couple runs in the 56 sec range also. 58's too. The more I ran it, the lower it got.
  10. https://www.asus.com/supportonly/p5gcmx_(fsb_1066)/HelpDesk_CPU/ Better tell Asus
  11. Actual 4066. Slot machine. Just keep pushing the button. Eventually you'll get a low time. Took me about 10 runs. No science involved here.
  12. Incredible clocks. Your validation name does not match your user name.
  13. I will have to re-do my backup then also.
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