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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. Settings not visible in SS, and no verification link for top 20 global. You're an experienced bencher, you know better than this.
  2. Sometimes it works to your advantage to be a packrat.
  3. That's half the battle, using your existing team resources to procure subs for hardware you/your team already own. If you don't have said hardware already..........well.....then you'll be at a slight disadvantage. That's the way it goes.
  4. Entering a 2 year old sub in a competition? You know better.
  5. It was OK to ask. You just put too much stock in the outcome.
  6. No such thing as a democracy on a web site. The owner makes the rules, whether anyone likes it or not. They can ask what you want, or might like, but that don't mean you'll get it.
  7. Speaking for myself, I don't get notifications for every .1 point I lose. Usually I get one if it's more than .5 points. YMMV
  8. 555 http://valid.canardpc.com/8wdi9i 145 Both Identified as Opteron 1300 ES when unlocked.. This is what interests me. Didn't mean to put words in your mouth.
  9. Never seen it before. I hope you're right. EDIT- Tested it out. I guess you're right. Learn something new every day.
  10. Members profile walls are showing other members subs. Bug?: or other problem. Example: http://hwbot.org/user/emiliano_b/ showing NACHO_ARROYO's subs http://hwbot.org/user/cloudvii/ showing Toolius's subs
  11. I see now. My Gig boards do not report ES or unlock the multiplier. Just add cores and/or cache. Hence why I'd like to find out why, and if I can make them. It has to be something in the bios. EDIT- or the G chipset. My boards are X or FX chipsets.
  12. ACC unlocking is quite common. My Gig 790 boards do it also. What is uncommon is that his board always unlocks to an unlocked multi ES, labeled to an Opteron 1300, no matter what chip he unlocks.
  13. Thank you. I'm going to take it apart. Might be able to isolate what does that and adapt it to another boards bios. It's not a common thing. Shouldn't be too hard to spot.
  14. Interesting that it reads the 555 as an Opteron 1300 also, but with 4 cores live. It is indeed bios related. Nice find. Can you post the bios here? I'd like a copy.
  15. http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=3766&highlight=hybrid+rules
  16. HWbox is just brutal....and Ivan & crew, wow. Congrats to both of you. Well done. :celebration:
  17. LOL. It's a long story. I had a few AN7's at one time. This one I got off e-bay for dirt cheap. Everything was painted in florescent paint by what appeared to be a 2 year old. It clocked better than my other ones so I kept it, but couldn't stand to even look at it. So I covered all the paint with a black permanent marker. It made it more palatable to me. Vain?; maybe, but at least it doesn't hurt to look at anymore.
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