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Everything posted by rsnubje

  1. Awesome, thanks! Only just now I see the resemblance with the ref card:P Not that different.
  2. Thanks for confirming my doubts The one you probably mean is coded 5230 RYE, but couldn't find a sheet on this. I coulnd't find anything else that would be for mem.
  3. Hey guys, I'm looking for the mem mod of this card, however it's not really working as it normally does. This is what I believe the memory controller: And here is the datasheet: http://www.anpec.com.tw/ashx_prod_file.ashx?prod_id=60&file_path=20080917100144843.pdf&original_name=APL5915.pdf Resistance to GND is 6.7K. A friend of mine has tried with FB to GND with a 200K pot, but no matter how far he lowered the resistor, the mem voltage wouldn't go up. After looking closer I think there should be a variable resistor over R352(on pic, R1 in datasheet) to Pin 3, which is Vout, but I'm not 100% sure so this is why I post it here. It could also be that we need to alter R2 (R353 on pic) also? Any help is appreciated.
  4. My knowledge of linux in general is very slim, so I didn't do more than what is told in this topic:http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=88888
  5. Since the Raspberry uses no actual bios, you need an OS that has one, like Raspbian or Pidora, which are both meant for the Raspberry pi. Personally I would use Raspbian, because I think it works and handles well. If you are doing it for Hwbot Prime, don't forget to install Java JDK 8. It can be a pain to install in some cases tho.
  6. If the pins were the correct ones(I would ask for a second opinion as there was no datasheet on the uP1504T), all you need to do now is take a variable resistor of 20x those values, so 20k pot for gigabyte card (there is nothing in between 10k and 20k) and 250k for the asus card. Depending on which pots you use, if it's a long one like one from helitrim, be sure to bent one pin that you are not going to use and make sure that you have max resistance over the other 2 pins before you solder it onto the card. For example, one like this:
  7. Hey zero, You're still going to need to do some measuring to be able to successfully mod these cards. I added some pics with the prospected pins of the core voltage controllers. I'm not 100% sure I got the right Ic on the GT 520, but it seems the most logical one. All you need to do is measure the highlighted pins. These are just for the core voltage. Let us know when you have the values.
  8. It acted the same with just one card but 1 card would do much lower temps.
  9. I have tried GPU Tweak, Trixx and Afterburner but none of them locks the voltage correctly. Was running not even at 1400 yet, and voltage seems to give me problems above 1.25v. Makes me want to just solder the Epower already. What temps were your coldbugs at? Just for reference.
  10. I've done these mods too but I have a problem that when I reach 3dmark 11 physics it will go back to 2D voltage and so the system will crash because obviously that voltage cannot handle those clocks. I was wondering if there is a tool or fix to work around this. I have done profiles, but it's far from perfect.
  11. I think you cnau se more threads. Look in File and there should be an option to adjust number of threads.
  12. I heard rumors about better TIM in haswell refresh.
  13. You must have a very chilly room, because I only reached that kind of temps with watercooling
  14. Power is given on Varm readout point. L5 resistor removed.
  15. Why not use 3.0.0 Beta 18? http://www.guru3d.com/files_details/msi_afterburner_beta_download.html
  16. He sure does Also one of the sources to make the Epower work properly(not solder to wrong points). I tried first with a voltage divider with a pack of resistors, which also worked, but couldn't regulate the voltage, it went from 5v to 1.66v.
  17. It's exactly like they said in this topic. Remove L5 and put power from Epower on Varm readout and I used the other side of the resistor as ground.
  18. Another friday with the Raspberry Pi This time: E-Power! This got me to about 1450MHz with around 1.8v real(DMM). Next time I will make it cold to go even further. For now just a score with 1400MHz. http://hwbot.org/submission/2500624_
  19. This got me about 40 MHz more on the core @ 1.4v and also about 40-50ish on the memory. The actual temp was around -24 according to temp gun and raspbian:P It's just a stock prometia btw. I think I need to do some modding on the raspberry. Let's say I use E-Power, I just remove L5 and connect E-Power to the V readout and a ground?
  20. I have one GTX 295, but no waterblock. Was never able to find one. Watercooled, 2x uni gpu block: http://hwbot.org/submission/2368196_rsnubje_3dmark_vantage___performance_geforce_gtx_295_29803_marks Stock: http://hwbot.org/submission/2431154_rsnubje_3dmark05_geforce_gtx_295_53398_marks
  21. Happy birthday!
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