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Everything posted by yosarianilives

  1. replied
  2. RTX =/= RX
  3. bump, prices include shipping for cont US
  4. This would be fun. Maybe leave out 1155 and 1150 though? 100 vs 115 is a big OC on those sockets but wouldn't make an appreciable difference in the overall average for that stage so it wouldn't really add anything to have those sockets in that stage. Maybe replace them with am2/+ or am3/+ where there's actually headroom for bclk OC. Or else just put it as 5 different platforms and also allow server sockets.
  5. If you mean AMD Bobcat arch then I'm in. My e2-2000 is itching to go. Does an entire 2 ghz on air! I need an excuse to take it cold.
  6. Bump, price drop. Practically giving them away at this point. Need them gone.
  7. Yes, this ^^^ Please give me a reason for my extensive collection of intel GMA boards. I've got a g31 board that does 520 fsb with almost no voltage control, give me a better reason than the sheer lulz to mod it for 600+.
  8. I think I can echo what most people said which is to mix up the hardware if possible, if only to negate the effect of people who found hw for last year being able to just dust it off and run a new bench. That said, I also wouldn't mind a 6x GCN1 stage as well, my 8970 is chomping at the bit ? Also as always I'd like to see an igp round, although pre-ddr4 and maybe pre-ddr3/no fm2/+ so that it's not a straight rehash of TC. Only other thing I'd like to see personally is no titans, no 2011+ xeons, and no rtx 2000 series to keep the potential buy in price for stages from ballooning too much.
  9. I at least enjoyed finding obscure hw for it. Wish I'd been able to get my 8970 in time for it though.
  10. Sandy doesn't scale much with cold. If there are 2600k's that can do 5.5+ on water I see no reason that a 3930k couldn't do it with a big loop. I'm also pretty sure that he put his intake right up against an ac vent.
  11. I met a guy at a lan party someone with same cpu at 5.7 on water at 1.7v who used it for a vantage global first on launch week of the og titan with a 4 way setup. At least on the 3dmark ladder. He didn't even know about hwbot. Won a lighting strip by guessing his score. Perhaps this is that guy? Although he said he degraded the shit out of his cpu and had to rma.
  12. Bump. I've looked at a few numbers on hwbot and a 6 core thuban at around 4.3ish should beat any 4 core deneb, even if deneb is at high 6 ghz. So gonna need 3x fully unlocked zosmas if you want to be within the top 3 of that stage, also based on my binning of 30+ chips only about 50% will unlock to 6 cores at all so keep that in mind. Best to buy some spares if you buy off ebay.
  13. Bit late, but what batch was this chip? 3218c?
  14. Correct, have to apply it every boot but obviously well worth. Not sure if the old bios is still more effecient or if my batch is off. Haven't tested every batch but this one is already twice as fast as some other ones,even with the patch.
  15. Couldn't get tweaklaucher to install correctly, but I guess who needs software OC when you can just boot your OC? Too bad my efi is way off, should be a 35s run with similar efi to unity.
  16. Not sure on customs, but just shipping should be $35-40 to most parts of europe for small things like cpus and ram. It's just the mobo box that is $70. Also you'll find the new deal of splitting shipping on all orders of multiple items should help a lot
  17. Yes, sadly while shipping into the US isn't too bad, shipping out of the US is very high. Basically prices are around $35 for small flat rate box (everything in the listing as it is now will fit into this box), ~$70 for medium flat rate box (fits a mobo and maybe a ram kit or cpu), and $100 for large flat rate box.
  18. Imho psc is better, especially with mem cold. However sammy can bench high mhz at non terrible timings. The idea is to run 2800-3000 at 9-12-12 or tighter. CFR is good for mhz but won't do sammy timings.
  19. bump
  20. Lol, when I beat your score with a sandy bridge and 660ti. Did you even LOD or use d3doverider?
  21. Phenom II x4 955 and chip #14 sold to Shadyreaper. Also Thread has been updated with new binning results and prices. Also I will split shipping on all orders of multiple items, international included.
  22. Not even core 6 is crap it seems, just my old cvf
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