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Everything posted by yosarianilives

  1. Yes quite expensive, but then 1080ti has been allowed in comps before it started price dropping which is a $700 msrp. I would be fine with either determination but best to get it out of the way now.
  2. Hey guys it's that time of year, anyone from team USA that's not already in our Discord should comment here or pm me/niobium for a link. I'm looking forward to the stages this year and also looking forward to preventing a 6peat from team au
  3. I know generally titan would/should not be allowed but for the 2gpu 1card stage would titan z be allowed as it's old enough to not be ridiculously expensive? Either way would be fine, but best to specify it now. Also super stoked for all these stages. They all look super fun.
  4. Thanks to shady for helping me find the right voltages to set
  5. Thanks to shady for helping me find the right voltages to set
  6. Thanks to shady for helping me find the right voltages to set
  7. Thanks to shady for helping me find the right voltages to set
  8. Naw, gigabyte boards are known for outright trolling their users. But I also have yet to see an snsv board that wasn't a chip killer so I guess it's true what they say about hating every board that exists if you spend enough time with it for XOC :shrug:
  9. It's asus that kills chips, gigabyte boards are just unusable. That company can die in a fire and stop putting out boards for all I care. But Es should not be allowed plain and simple, ever.
  10. I'm no asus fanboi myself as 100% of their boards are chip murderers. However I would take an asus before I'd ever deal with a gigashite POS. Asus boards mostly do what they're told, giga boards just troll you and somehow have even worse qc than snsv (I didn't think it was possible).
  11. Did you make sure that HPET is also enabled in BIOS?
  12. From some people that I've spoken to the m9a isn't as good as the m10a for mem in cfl. However it can run xp which the m10a cannot so it may have an advantage in 32m.
  13. Bump
  14. IMHO no ES has had little to do with golden samples and much more to do with keeping sponsors out of the comp as much as possible. Of course a sponsor can still send a binned retail chip but at least no ES will keep some sponsorship out. I think that team USA is fully capable of winning without sponsors and I'd like to see other countries attempt the same.
  15. My experience with m9a is that they have major qc issues so you have to bin them just to not get a crap board. Also they definitely drop channels after a while. Mine is down to single channel even with a pristine socket. You can try flushing the socket out with isopropyl as sometimes the socket is just dirty but I can say on my board that no amount of iso has been able to bring my channel back.
  16. Eh, I wouldn't expect 8700k to clock better than 7700k on SS. This is right in the range for normal clocks on a 7700k unless you have a monster SS that does colder than -60c.
  17. I know I'd have a ton of fun on my sr2/skulltrail/quad fx but it is kind of a niche category and old for a country cup stage since modern 2p OC isn't really a thing.
  18. Yes, plz no ES. It's probably even worse than allowing titan, RTX, and xeons.
  19. Actually I think that an atom stage would be way more fun than x99. High scores are boring and lame
  20. Give me a reason to buy a board for my 5960x, does 5.15 on SS with x99s sli plus so should be no slouch on ln2.
  21. I like this, although maybe leave it a bit more open and just do a bench limited to dual cores? That way if someone has for example pentium g3258 or i3 7100 they could still participate although the best combo would be 7350k+6320+6300, etc?
  22. #4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 sold on ebay
  23. chip #5 and #9 sold to ObscureParadox
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