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Everything posted by Maxi

  1. All women would not react like that. Put mink in that same situation and she'd have laughed at you, thrown a drink in your face or kicked you in the nuts.
  2. That's actually normal for a new, bring the hardware to its knee's benchmark. Tweaks just can't do anything until the hardware starts landing a few punches.
  3. That right there is your answer, one big fat NO.
  4. As far as I know there have not been any rules prohibiting women from competing...if there was a genuine interest among the ladies out there they would already be doing this on their own. So does this really need to be planned/planned by men? I mean I don't care who makes up a team, seeing great overclocking is what it's all about.
  5. Use it all the time...but you can't see graphics thus no vote.
  6. I'd vote but I can't see the first post...
  7. Dino Yobbo & The Jumbuck Taggers
  8. Hey Pasi, I like the new look, much cleaner than last revision of ORB Great to hear 06 limitations are also lifted. I do have some concerns. You are still not able to detect card clocks? GTX480 showing all zero's... It also looks like SLI/CF setups are still not filtered correctly in search, I hope you can make some headway on those problems. I don't know if you remember the original ORB, one thing I really miss (that was added at the last minute to the last ORB revision - in ugly red/green) are the nice graphs, it was so easy to see how results compared without looking at the numbers themselves. The old graphs were two tone greys -- those would look very good with the new ORB scheme. I've got a pic around somewhere if you need to see it, think about it
  9. Hahaha, you know the competition is good when that happens
  10. You decided to keep it? Gonna jump in this now I have some time to play.
  11. Hey Siouxx, Link the results in question with hwbot links (rather than cpu-z validations) here or via PM and I'll take a look for you.
  12. I could say the same about you trying to make Beaux's benching with Vince seem lame. Rev 4 will fix it? What exactly needs fixing, people benching together? Ya that never happens on teams. We've taken this far enough off topic as it is but gimme a break. Credit where credit is due, Beaux has earned everything he's achieved.
  13. It will continue to grow, When you hear how much the manufacturers spent on competitions this year you can't think any different. Make up your mind, your previous post says something totally different. Beaux earned most of his points benching for Guru3D, you obviously didn't notice that. What do you want, Vince to lock himself in a closet?
  14. The default which is not configurable in the benchmark settings. If you see people changing this somehow or running in windowed, mode feel free to report their results.
  15. Thanks Jarnis/FM! I also really hope there is a way hwbot can assume online validation for 01, there are still a lot of people who love that benchmark.
  16. Great videos Massman - I'm stunned and also impressed you decided to reveal as much as you have here, you really are a legend for doing this. I'm gonna try that CDT you did here, it's a bit diferent than mine and obviously superior. Keep up the great work!!!
  17. Nice info Massman, get your hands on some EVGA parts if you can.
  18. Always sucks when younger people leave, best wishes to his family and friends.
  19. It's also in the rules, this result does not have proper verification. See the example images on the submit score page(s) and the written rules regarding verification.
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