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Everything posted by knopflerbruce

  1. At some point I hope I'll be able to prove you wrong:p
  2. Native... that means is has to PHYSICALLY be a SINGLEcore? So a dual core with a disabled core - unlockable or not - is not allowed..? If so, that would disqualify Sempron 140, Conroe-L and any AM2 singlecore. ...or am I way off here?
  3. This one I may join:) If you've got a nice, non-FSB-walled Celly you'll beat any AMD CPU, but I hope sub 40s should be easy on a few of the chips I've got here.
  4. You can always PM one of us result mods whenever it's OK to receive boints for those scores:)
  5. The pictures of the CPUs helps alot:) Then we know for sure you're not using the same CPU;)
  6. I would say it's allowed if you post it in the category the card belongs to (not 8800gt, but whatever it really is). ...but I must say it might make things harder for us mods... moderation could be a PITA if you cant tell what card it really is.
  7. PCMark05 is a 2d benchmark, so the CPU decides where it belongs. You're right about the fact that it's an SLI score, but that doesn't affect the ranking.
  8. We have AMD steppings too. It would be great if there was a system that worked for both stepping/batch systems.
  9. Lost 100 boints too... down 0.1-1 boints on a damn lot of scores.
  10. he search button is handy, at least don't delete it:p
  11. An overclocking database where scores made with proper software and validation aren't allowed:woot: Wohooo! We have a rank for those who don't like unreleased hardware... if you don't like the "everything allowed" list - don't look at it.
  12. We have enough pi benchmarks I think. Prime sounds more interesting.
  13. Not going to happen;) We had a discussion on how to deal with this and the solution we came up with is very good. No boints, because of HW not being available to most benchers, but it still needs to be listed as they're still benchmark results (which is what HWBot is all about).
  14. Most people are interested in Gulftown benches, but since they are not avaliable to the public, they don't get boints. Fair enough. But they do deserve a place on top of some list, as those scores are indeed the best ones out there. There are two different lists, actually - one for overall records, and one for "boint scores" only. So the lists you're asking for do exists... here: http://hwbot.org/hallOfFame.do?type=result&applicationId=5 Click on 3dmark05 top score on the front page and you'll get there. Why the overall record list links to the boint list... is something I can't explain;) PS: you can't really compare scores made with EARLY BIOSes to a platform where the BIOSes are much more mature. Maybe these chips have other challenges than Nehalem. I don't know, I'm just saying "what if":p Maybe you have one and know better? (Or maybe he just posted some random tease run.)
  15. You can always disable global boints, perhaps... Then 500-1000 users will lose boints. Disabling hardware boints as well shouldn't really be an option with such a massive amount of results. Some of us spend alot of cash on parts and cooling to get those boints, and we wouldn't do that just for cups. Plus, most wPrime hardware cups come from manual submissions already. So... hardware boints only, or both.
  16. What about socket 939 then? Or AM2?
  17. Tried to check this out now, but I can't seem to access more than one category, as both hall of fame tabs redirect to the same 965 BE rank:( I can do the score transfers by using the CPU list to access the best score in each category, and move them one at the time, after each update. Not too many scores so shouldn't take toooooo long (but a few days I guess, depending on how fast the list is updated). Edit: found another way of doing this I THINK one of the cateogries is empty now
  18. ...then any pifast, superpi 1m/32m, am3, 3dmark01-score can't be trusted. The fact is that the wprime validation can't be trusted either. The TIME is most likely correct, but often it's added to the wrong CPU category... not to mention the lack of system details.
  19. ...or just ask for screenshots instead of using online validation. I don't want my 250-300 wPrime runs to be worthless.
  20. Then the score belongs to the 430 category, if it's a 430.
  21. Use screenshots for submissions in the meantime. They always work
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