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Everything posted by knopflerbruce

  1. With or without points..?
  2. I'm no expert, but got the "Vista feel" when i saw it. Maybe XP skin for Vista, I dunno. Massman is the expert here, I'll leave it up to him;)
  3. He probably used the Vista tweak that cuts off 10% of your score:p No idea how it works, but some mod told me it was legal.
  4. There are a ciople of 3D subtests, too. Not just 2D.
  5. Got the same problem as OP when i first opened the fron page, but after F5 it looked fine. Strange that it won't load normally the first time...
  6. Thankx, P-J;) Does it work on Geforce 6 as well?
  7. He remembere to pull out 4 CPUZ screenshots, but not the benchmark itself... funny:p
  8. These two seem legit, there is a difference in the wPrime detection. Which proves it's a different CPU I guess.
  9. I remember I filled dryice in the pot once, using my DFi NF4 board. Got 4 red LEDs (= dead CPU/mobo) with the pot full... but then i realised the socket was empty, as the CPU was on the mousepad!
  10. Ticket ID: 410 Priority: High http://www.hwbot.org/browseHardwareVideoCards.do?gpuFamilyId=6 - the top link won\'t work. I believe \"/\" in the GPU title is the culprit
  11. The problem is, if I got it right, that the HDD scores are too heavy on the final result, so whoever has the most drives wins (more or less). If there is no limit, ofc. I think that 220mb/s is too low as a limit, too, but unlimited will be too high because of the HDD scores. And something inbetween is unfair to all those who try to get HW and Global points by staying just below the 220mb/s limit:rolleyes: There is no perfect solution to this problem, unfortunately:(
  12. There was a discussion (I think that was after the introduction of SSD's), and the result is the current set of rules:) Personally I'd say it's a good idea to stick to the old limit. Or remove it completely. Raising it won't do much good, then you will compare scores with many different sets of rules. 220mb/s, 300mb/s and later limits...
  13. The best would be if Hipro was notified about this so he doesn't do the same mistake in the future. There's no reason to flag the submission if it's just a mistake type of error in a screenie that looks legit, especially if the same bencher has posted alot of submissions in the past that no-one ever questioned (which I believe is the case here).
  14. I remember I did set the affinity once, but I have to re-discover the trick the next time I need it:p Priority... dunno.
  15. You THINK it looks that way. But you're not the judge, so let the mods give the "cheater" tag to those who deserve it. And this case isn't as obvious as you think. It's no doubt he has CPUs that may be good enough for #1 in most benchmarks (his CPUZ validations show us that). The times look pretty consistent, too.
  16. I agree that the screens look weird, but he has also published cpuz validations which show that he has CPUs that OC well. Those validations can't be questioned, so... the mods should ask themselves if the CPU that validates at frequency x will be capable of benchmarking at frequency y. And the "setup" of his screens is quite simple so it MAY be easier to reproduce the exact same layout time after time than OP thinks. Btw, nice title. Should I call you cheater, too, if I find the smallest error in one or two submissions??
  17. Memory plays a big role, so get a nice pair of sticks and mess around with the timings:p
  18. I did try Server 2008 once (very briefly), and that OS was definately not that much faster more or less "out of the box". if all Vista scores had been that much faster it wouldn't have been a problem, as it would be obvious that the OS itself would be faster. But that's not the case, most Vista results are pretty normal - only like 20 scores are wicked fast. I'm not saying you should flag every single one of them, but it would be nice if someone would confirm that the tweak or whatever is legal.
  19. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=849451 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=863329 RS690 is an AM2 mobo... can't really be this core. Ask him for a CPUZ validation of his 5000+ Toledo
  20. Ahhhh, I thought the problem was the other way around - that you couldn't figure out where to post because there were too MANy categories:p In this case i agree with you, there are just too many differences, and a split-up is needed.
  21. Do you think I run my benches on a 24/7 OS? I have 700-ish results, it's pretty obvious that I have some drives for benching. By all means, I'm no expert tweaker, but I know "the basic stuff", which should be enough to avoid being ~10% behind in the PP department. If someone posted a 6.00s run of spi1m at 6.6ghz wouldn't you want to find you how someone can get that kind of score at the given clock? I'm not saying anyone CHEATED here, but something is a bit weird. I've seen people freak out for 44k PP 1m runs, which is only ~2.25% off the normal "limit" at 45k. Here you have an irregularity which is 3-4 time greater, and you ask me to install a clean OS:o
  22. It's easy to find out the correct category, all info to figure this out is visible in GPUZ. btw, I find only one 6200A category (but alot of other 6200 ones, but they don't match the list you posted:p)
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