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Everything posted by bolc

  1. bolc

    search l3014

    good luck
  2. 6 Gb kit, 3 x 2 Gb, ideal fo X58 stations DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800) Timing 7-8-7-24-2N Voltage 1.5V 30 euros excl shipping, within EU
  3. 4.9 @ 1.6 V , il ne se laisse pas faire le bougre...
  4. https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/?gpu=Cedar&sort=name all those are Cedars gpu for the competition?
  5. bump
  6. bolc


    give him some time, he will push it out
  7. hi will take ep45 ud3r pm to follow
  8. Sweet rams!
  9. SOLD Topic can be closed / moved Thank you for the space Hwbot !
  10. bump
  11. 4000C18 added
  12. wmi, dcom, intel clock controller service, plug and play, typically these 4 services need to be active. (although on hevc, i cannot get the absolute mode with some service off...)
  13. 1 kit sold to subaruwrc 1 kit remaning
  14. bump
  15. Brand new, comes from 64 Gb kits. 4200C19 - 170 excl shipping Tried individually at 4k c12 1.92 V on apex9, ok with spi32m, not tried further. Single sided. Pcb A1. SOLD
  16. you probably have mnh-e which are much weaker / can die prematurely compared to mgh-e ......?
  17. bolc

    Maximus VII Impact

    PM sent
  18. booting was on 1 core so I d rather test with PLL overvoltage enabled? forgot which bios setting i have... spi booster wa son but i guess is meaningless here, will pout it off will try the reset method too thanks.
  19. bolc

    Maximus VII Impact

    too bad
  20. Thanks for sharing your thoughts that was my guess as well, so this sandy sucks, well is a good h24, but won t go much above 5300ishes...
  21. Hey I am looking at this cpu and was hoping it would like to boot windows at high multiplier... Vcore of 1.65 V ish, going from 53 to 54 in OS makes it freeze. Posting bios at 53 and booting OS is ok, posting bios at 54 (and above) is ok but as soon as the windows logo appears, the OS freezes. Not many voltages to play with... I've increased Vcore and PLL a bit but no success. Is there still some hope you think? Cheers ++
  22. http://oc-esports.io/#!/round/Challenger 2019 Division VII round 1 2019 the rules state no HEDT i7, isn't it ? "the processor choice is limited to Core i7 series (non-HEDT)." aren't 2011 and 2011-3 cpus considered High End Desktop omg, you copy pasted from the Division 1 and haven t changed the text? EDIT: a 5960x (haswell-e, socket 2011-3), are you this is allowed ? nope, 2011-3 is older. A list of chipset would be so much easier
  23. note on the side: HEDT 3960k and alike are not Xeons but I7, right ? and I thought they were not allowed for div7....?
  24. allowing 2011 for div7 would mean that div7 becomes a 6 cores 2011 series... or the frequency limit should have been set higher such that 6 cores 2011 cannot reach what haswells can. 775, what s the pt of having 775 in there ? 1366 why not since they may compete while not being able to reach 4.7
  25. hi, is it not HEDT cpu, not allowed for div7...?
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