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Everything posted by skulstation

  1. As a fb-dimm user skulltrail and tyan dual 771 board. Don't mess whit fb-dimm , let it have its own category PS: was not intend to post in here first
  2. Thx The worst part was the first 3 days whit alot of pain, on the first day afterr the incident start walking agen , on the second day i wase at home , and on day 5 first time walking on stairs.
  3. None , on 11 June I have a work accident. I did a drop from +- 2,50 meter
  4. I am bored ?and yes i chan still bech Whit a broken pelvis ?
  5. yes i know, i can only hope on a yes ?
  6. dual socket alowed in the legacy ddr2/ddr3 ? skulltrail / SR-2 :)
  7. In my case i use system info 5.18 Cpu not recognized ( i3-9350kf ) and driver not aproved. For me its ok to alow this , but not ok any kind of driver tweaks ( teslation / lod ) and / or time error
  8. K no problem. I thought Thad ist only was not allowed to teslation / lod All the rest ok. Aperently not. No problem for me, I played and lost ? Thx for this comp
  9. plz add this gpu https://www.techpowerup.com/gpuz/details/g4xs9
  10. @unityofsaints Older stepping? I think this is one of the first production batch for this cpu batch is X8510783 @AutisticChrisYes it's a retail, no other chips binned or pre binned from a store
  11. Thx mods for the first round, congrats to all. It was hard but whit a lot of fun. Next round plz
  12. sorry to bring up this old thread. somwane whit a coppy of the bios thad like to share it whit me? And knows if it works whit a 7350K
  13. @AutisticChris Yes i used same methode as described in the tread. Whit the SOC-force i did tray other bios than only non-k , i think it was the f20f and f6
  14. I need some help. I have a usb stick thad let me instal it on a giga z170x soc-force ( non-k bios i think ), 7350k not working whit this bios but as soon i install the same ssd on a M8I i have a bsod. what bios it the best to use for xp support whit a 7350k / 8350k cpu on a M8I ? I traid the 0001 , 0019 , 3201 and asus latest bios. all of them no go whit xp on my site whit a 7350k
  15. Love the stock cooler id. And also in for a freq cap on the cpu
  16. I use w7 as os, and have more +21 scores As tweaks i am using the normal things like frech and clean os as possibel , disabel the garbig thad not neded and run as fast as it can
  17. dam this one slip me thro the net. I have a file whit a 9gig core :) no worry have new score ready and whit video
  18. Thx. In think there is some room left. Other os and tweaked ?
  19. Thx samus2 There is stil some room and time to improve. My tip's : clean os W7 or xp , high mem speed white low timings , high nb ,
  20. Stretching a bit . Not pulling out. You need your arms for other things ? I stil Know what you told me on whatsapp before thé comp's startet " no dual Xeon stages "
  21. if yes i am wasting my time on rex III but i dont have high hopse that we may use it
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