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Everything posted by Splave

  1. Because your CPU is R0. Micro code it requires kills wprime performance.
  2. Any 5000 results on dark kp
  3. So close! You forget to change to 2x under cache size because you have 2 cores enabled. Make a new name and try again.
  4. tfaw is the magic one
  5. Good score! But need benchmate unfortunately. ??
  6. tried to do better mem freq last night again and had -100c cb no matter what hopefully not wounded
  7. I saved one sub I sent to safedisk in the ballpark in the spirit of competition. ?
  8. Final bag. End of an era. Come back and say hi once in a while.
  9. Try playing with pagefile, no pagefile, try playing background service priority and different win32priorityseparation values in the registry, try the new 20** build of windows 10 or depending on your hardware windows 8 or server 2012. Sometimes it is what it is and fails due to variance. Run it again.
  10. Going to try to mod thread ripper pot to fit. This one doesn't love volts so maybe fat guy will help.
  11. What is next bianbao PE, platinum edition?
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