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Everything posted by Calathea

  1. Much more than 2.1 Volt that's for sure. My PSC can handle 2.1 V on -15 no problem. Sure I haven't ran that for more than a few hours but still I bet some PSC sticks would scale up to 2.3-2.4 on ln2. Well, maybe don't try 2.3 volt with your 2300 c8's haha. Did I say seriously awesome ram and tweaking from your side?
  2. Very impressive. Dat ram! Maybe look into vmodding mobo for insta-kill vdimm range?
  3. I suppose so, I don't know actually. He delidded another 3570k which did ok. I won't do it again either way
  4. shit sad to hear that. Thx!
  5. Hi. Just noticed OCX been down for at least a couple of days. Anyone know anything? (vaguely related to team section )
  6. a friend here in sweden had a 3570k only able to run single channel after delid. IMO too risky to do this. I cracked the core on a decent 3770k after one too many remounts. (direct die watercooling, maybe not the brightest idea)
  7. lol 1400MHz mem and 1 GHz core. That's a real gem card.
  8. Measured with DMM? OC Formula seems to have some magic of it's own
  9. Wow infra, 5,93 GHz 1M on SS is pretty strong. I guess it's good rotary SS? I will try my new 1.36 volt 3570k on SS -50 this week. No big hopes really
  10. Wow, 1.475 is pretty crappy. 6.55 valid is kind of more than I'd expect from such a cpu.
  11. Another 3570k (too expensive too bin 3770k) 3237B348. 1.36 volt 5 Ghz 32m air. Max 1380 ram @ 1.12 vccio. Probably a 6,6 chip... a well it runs colder than any chip before could be a nice everyday chip. Hmm, make that 1400 MHz at 1.08 vccio. Unstable as shit.
  12. Pretty fast, must be your best cpu so far? Why "only" 1250 ram?
  13. Shit, someone bought it for buy out price Well better wait for an E8600 then
  14. Yeah might do that, E8400s are dirt chep. Emailed seller and checked if he's using a generic pic first though
  15. Hi all. Noticed this on local sales forum. Pretty new IMO. Got one E400 now with batch Q828, this sample is almost two years newer! Makes you wonder if thereĀ“s been any improvement in manufacturing.. anyone got any experience on this with s775? It's still a fun platform to OC
  16. Seriously though, really looking forward to see how this works. I wrote a small news article about this pot at Nordichardware.se (swedish) http://www.nordichardware.se/Overklockning/ek-water-blocks-samarbetar-med-extremoeverklockare.html
  17. hey chancecoats. 6500 32m is a pretty nice cpu. Remember to not use twcl > tcl on psc/bbse ram, you will get better performace with cas 8 twcl 6 than cas7 twcl 8
  18. More info Petri! This looks awesome, might upgrade from F1 EE just for the better mounting.
  19. I think with 1150 ram, 21k is not that bad. You need closer to 1300Mhz to take down top spots. Some cards can handle full pot too edit: oops response to page 1 doh!
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