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Everything posted by George_o/c

  1. Awesome score, well done man! Nice to see some 2k1 action
  2. I honestly thought XtremeAddict's result was never going to be beaten. Awesome, go for 6500 validation :D
  3. obi επιστρέφεις πάλι μετά από σύντομο διάλειμμα;
  4. I remember this thread from back in the day at XS, might be helpful Congratulations @wytiwx awesome results!
  5. Nice one Nikifore! My SS is 3/8hp as well with LittleDevil evap and it does -40*C idle, drops to -27*C at 250W continuous loads. With a QX9650 at 5GHz, I was dropping to around -30*C https://hwbot.org/submission/3669397_george_oc_wprime___32m_core_2_extreme_qx9650_7sec_734ms Then I was waiting for the temp to drop back down to -36 to -37 to complete succesffully the next run. I've had mine for 11 years now and I think rotary is actually the only way to go for a singlestage unit, makes a big difference going from -40 to -55 or -60*C
  6. Very nice stuff congratulations! Can't wait for proper Pi 1M and Pi 32M
  7. I remember back in the day, the first GTLs people used to try at Greek forums, were Advance ~300 for A2 and Advance ~100/Delay ~100 for B2. Awesome run man congrats!
  8. Μπράβο obi, μπράβο ρει!
  9. This stage is getting more and more interesting Well done man, any plans for 666x6?
  10. Μπράβο Νικηφόρε! Keep pushing it
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