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Everything posted by ShaggySVK

  1. Nice improvement with new driver :) Managed to get to fullpot with it?
  2. Check if you have another screenshot with CPU-z mem tab being shown (3x cpu tab)
  3. Thank you broski's :) @loud, man can only agree, this thing ain't easy at all but was fun torture sesh :)) there is some more in it hopefully just wont be easy to get :D
  4. Thanks broski! Yeah the short was luckily just under the caps, not under vcore plate so was pretty quick fix on stream :)
  5. Great work! Looks like uwu pot made some magic there :)
  6. socket and mem slots are all mint, washed those out multiple times with contact cleaner, no residues there.
  7. Dude, I spent half a day rewashing that board and its still somehow a regenerating new layer of vas on surface everytime you heat it up :D
  8. only thing that seemed to drop the CB a little was IVR TX, that got me from -165 to around -180c but very unreliable
  9. SA didnt seem to really help if i added over 1.4v from 1.25 being sweetspot for cascade(-100c), will try dropping below 1.2v and see if that gains me anything. Oh low mem clocks including JEDEC havent influenced the CB.
  10. @george FLL was set to ratio OC, @seby Lockups only, no BSOD or shutdown, VCCIN only tried between 1.8 and 2.1v (seemed like it was getting worse with more, though might have been condensation at that point
  11. Noice, so you managed to surpass my valid :D Gonna try soon on LN2 to see if I can do better without socket full of Vas :P
  12. The trick for -80C CB: jump over to like -120C, skip the -80 to -110ish altogether and you will be fine most of the time.
  13. Was expecting little more on SS, but looks like this is pretty much a wall for given temp.
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