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Everything posted by GENiEBEN

  1. Impressive, but there's some catching up to do [ATTACH]3035[/ATTACH]
  2. You have to enter the 'Frequency' field, not 'Frequency (Max)'.
  3. Ha no one? Let me check an older hdd that has portablebenchmarks 1.5 installed, should have 4.25 kit there. EDIT: nope, check if someone has the installer of portablebenchmarks 1.5.
  4. While an honest mistake, this benchmark can scale 10% just by going 1600>2400mhz.
  5. Lol fuck that, too many IGP's to check now ><
  6. If you want any competitive scores, you would want to bench the x64.
  7. You have to enable HPET in Win8 before you can use gpupi.
  8. You can't change multipliers on U cpus, only XM are factory overclockable. Also, if you want to change BCLK you will need an 'unlocked' Management Engine Firmware written on your laptop.
  9. Whoever decided a FPM competition was smart....
  10. If you have an ATI/AMD videocard, then AMD APP is already installed. Start with a fresh OS.
  11. Install 'AMD APP SDK 2.9.1/3.0B' or 'Intel OpenCL SDK 15.1'
  12. Ok will compile you another version when I get back home.
  13. Latest build of Vantage no longer shows benchmark version in gui.
  14. Let me know if it worked, the tool used is known for corrupting some bioses. http://www.cpu-world.com/cgi-bin/SearchSite.pl?SEARCH=0665h&PROCESS=Search
  15. ASUS mirror driver is the culprit most likely. You managed to score +5fps extra than Strat.
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