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Everything posted by GENiEBEN


    The Fail

    You fail at failing
  2. You submit it as X2 555 and select how many active cores there are (4 in your case).
  3. You forgot to include a flying unicorn in the screenshot, reported!

    The Fail

    Ney works for Massman. There, fixed!
  5. Happens if it doesnt get exclusive access. Bit annoying
  6. Unrelated...
  7. But Switzerland has more guns than US Your idea is brilliant, remember not to drop the soap.
  8. Yeah, that's Magny-Cours territory right now, perhaps maybe E8-Series too.
  9. Go on your page under My Submissions. You can there list each benchmark and beside your results there will be a cup (if one has been awarded).
  10. Imagine the historians digging Ney's hardware grave 1000 years later. "The Hwcaust was the mass murder or genocide of computer parts during the HWBOT wars, a programme of systematic state-sponsored murder, led by Christian Ney throughout Ebay-occupied territory".
  11. The points on front page dont match the ones on the league page. (Kenny is first with 164 on front page but here Vince is first with 232)
  12. Incearca sa dai disable la LEAGUE INFO si TEAM INFO si da-i "Padding of text from the left" 230, "Padding from top for team info" 200, "Padding from top for user info:" 15.
  13. Da-i padding cat mai mare pana iese din imagine.
  14. Corectat. Daca mai intampini, dai edit si alegi 1x la procesor si rescrii numele procesorului iar apoi Save.
  15. Strange, there are 11 rankings there http://www.hwbot.org/benchmark/pcmark_2005/rankings?start=0&hardwareTypeId=processor_1888&cores=2#start=0#interval=20 4x E6300 wtf?
  16. http://hwbot.org/submission/2360733_genieben_pcmark_2004_core_2_u4100_(1.3ghz)_5972_marks What issue do you exactly have? The only prerequisites I am aware of is that you must have Windows Media Player and a DivX codec.
  17. A couple more arguments in this thread and we will find the meaning of life.
  18. None of the exploits rely on Windows components to fail If I get a chance I will write a tutorial on my findings and share it.
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