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Everything posted by GENiEBEN

  1. So after two years of benching, say 50 GPUS, for god knows how many games, you end up with 0 points. Sounds like a deal, sign me in. Rather than a points system what about NO points (we are gamers, we measure in FPS - when our system can't measure in Crysis`) and rankings based purely on FPS (Highest > Lowest)?
  2. Because: -FullHD screen only means better productivity, but that video card wouldnt keep up if playing at it's native resolution. -16GB Ram: other than making a Ram Drive out of it and installing a game onto it, there is no other benefit. -2860qm: performance gap is too small to gain you more than 1 or 2 extra fps.
  3. No one likes any of these, so unless the scores are much higher it's like it never happened. EDIT: So on my laptop from ~2900 to ~3500, and using lower GPU clocks too. Will test more.
  4. I wouldn't upgrade any of those for gaming benefits.
  5. Can't attach fan
  6. Guessing it didnt find msiexec, which is the Microsoft Installer Service. I did try it on Win8 and had no problems, will try it again, this time with UAC ON and/or MSI service OFF. (on Win7/8 I could probably just skip installing the redis as it already works with the ones coming bundled with Windows).
  7. How you define better? I can oc it 1Mhz and claim it's better than the guy submitting it stock so I want double the points. Exotic CPU's get you 60 points, mobos get you 5 points. How much lower should it go to make it fair for non-grinders that can't get their hands on as many mobos? Sorry but I personally like investing in dead stuff, reviving it, validating then throwing it. More fun than paying $600 for a mobo and trying to be first. In popular CPU categories you can do over 100% OC and still get 0.1, id like that fixed too if we are on the subject.
  8. Trying it soon, I bet you can still completely fool Web Test by sending in empty files.
  9. Ohh Im sorry, I thought it's called Hardware Masters League. Why not take points away from everything so everyone is happy.
  10. Other than improving pots to ease the work of the bencher there's hardly any advancement in that department, it's still down to CB/CBB luck. There's been no new magical cooling solution, cpus run on the same old boards and memory (with few exceptions ofc) and used OS` are the same as 7 yrs ago. For the example provided here by Thomas, which current advancement in technology would you think it applies? :celebration:
  11. Splave, uninstall and then delete the configuration data (you have the path in the error message).
  12. You are entitled to your opinion and it's appreciated, but I hope you know time does not equal 'skill'. We shouldn't be benching old gen hardware and let the old folks who ran them at their time get all the credit
  13. How is he loosing points with method 2?
  14. Had same problem with a gap of ~30fps in Ice and ~15fps in Slingshot, but I can't reproduce it. Maybe it's down to drivers?
  15. X5690 launched in Feb. 2011 so its outside the rules of the stage.
  16. That is something normal ATM, the more stuff being submitted the more we can link to the hardware in HWBOT's database.
  17. Yeah, those are all good :celebration: Not my job fortunately, but it kinda pops up when you see a score with and without.
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