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Everything posted by GENiEBEN

  1. Blame Massman ^^ Stage 3 cleaned. Stage 2 partially.
  2. That's the point of GPU-Z, to see the name of gpu and frequencies
  3. Copy over the original one in the RIVA installed path (C\ProgramFiles\Riva). Btw, you never mentioned how far you want to clock the card. AFAIK the slider went to 1000 core in AB, so for air is enough. For more, open MSIAfterburner.cfg and set UnofficialOverclockingMode to 1. Try Sapphire Trixx to, has unlocked sliders
  4. Damn this is a steal, would of bought it myself if it wasn't for the bad timing :\
  5. * Does it work with just one card? * In which card and port did the monitor cable go? * Start with 1 card and enter bios to set PEG as default output card. * Make sure the monitor is ok and default input is correct. I particularly had one that didn't show signal until the very end of the Windows load screen PS: Wrong thread
  6. ATi changed the way overclocking works in newer drivers, so you have to use older drivers. Catalyst 9.12 should work with RIVA. If I'm not mistaken 4870 was supported by RIVA, without .cfg mods. If not, this covers 4870/4890: http://lab501.ro/download?did=49
  7. Riva works, tho it might need cfg mods for some cards. @Funskillz: If you can't get Riva to work, give me a PM.
  8. Some antivirus software flag it as a false-positive and might delete it, so make sure that doesn't happen. It is also good practice to have Windows UAC disabled.
  9. If you pause the bat you select the priority of cmd rather than that of pifast Need to use the 'start' command to launch it with a custom priority. @Allen: No problem there, after all you can launch pifast manually and enter all the default settings yourself.
  10. Have you tried editing the bios clocks with RBE or using the unlocked Afterburner?
  11. @Leeghoofd: No, seems like he pressed STEP2 button before all windows were opened.
  12. Oldie that was part of the NFS:HS and FIFA99 soundtrack.
  13. [ youtube] videocodehere [ /youtube]
  14. Just type 8350, it will show you the available choices...
  15. This looks like my next setup. Waiting for pricing
  16. Score should be fine ATM but keep in mind that ANYTHING you bench needs CPUZ Mem tab.
  17. It is being discussed, please wait for an official statement.
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