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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. Did you set the HDD tests to the SSD Subaru ( in case you use two drives ) You should easily get around 160-200 XP startup with a new SSD. Write back enabled ? Areca is for pussies benchers, read as scores bought with cash /me starts to run from the wrath of SteveRo, Pro aka Dino22,37, l33t and Marc Beier
  2. Possible to share that bios plz windwithme ? any bclocking action ?
  3. Leeghoofd

    The Fail

    Marc your epic fail moment was in the Romanian guys' room at the Paris Tweaking event. The moment you told everybody you would be easily sub 9 mins at 4ghz, I asked who is this guy ?
  4. Femke made them you twat Marc a good tip: don't visit Belgium in the upcoming years, it could be your final destination...
  5. changelog 0604: enable/disable function of pause function OC key bios signed by Andre Yang Massman Easter egg
  6. Just wanted to lighten up the thread Dino... you know why I want them timings for the daily tweakers
  7. C'mon Gigabyte Bios team get your act together plz... instead of hiding behind this automated reply:
  8. Fun thing now with my UD5H is that it looses track of time... no idea what's going on since the F10X flash... Thx Dumo for the info... stellar kit and IMC there man
  9. Did 2600 c8-11-8 1.85Vdimm on these PJ, one time lol for the 5ghz compo I had major issues with F10X on UD5H regarding daily stability : - erratic LAN port behaviour that stops working, never had it with F9, now daily 2-3 times I loose the port, lappie still works fine... so it's not the internet con, nor router... - sometimes complete freeze at bios logo, if it passes the logo the rig is stable Main UD5H issue atm : manual timings nor XMP profile working with 16Gb Corsair 2666C10 kit. 2400Mhz is stable, from 2600 it doesn't boot... @Dumo you have the 16Gb tridentX kit can you check plz if it works fine with your kit. If so, can you plz pass timing details via GTL or memtweakit. I'm cross checking with the Gene board as the Corsairs work there at 2800mhzC11...
  10. Yes increases copy bandwith alike tRRSR, if set too tight no post...
  11. yes 2400 always posted fine. Let's start with the 2600 divider with them 3 timings programmed a bit looser and see if it allows most of them old sticks to boot...
  12. How about from 2600 divider on Trrd 7 - tRRSR & tWWSR 6, this should allow most dimms to boot if they can make it and the CPU IMC can handle it... tweakers can tweak later on... It's weird at 2400 if I recall correct the bios sets 5, which boots also for me at 2600 if manually set. Yet if I leave it to auto the board must set 4 or such and hinders it from posting... 6 should be a safe setting. I honestly think the bios engineers made an error there... Atm investigating why the 16GB 2666 doesn't work, comparing timings with the ROG board, can only boot at 2400mhz ( with XMP profile loaded wtf )
  13. My report here is when you dial in old rams and just set manually the main timings : no boot, yet this boots on other brands. A too tight timing set is NOT an efficiency tweak, it's against any logic. It's not that the competitors put in tRSSR 7 or such... Secondly why are the timing readouts borked in the bios ? Why even show them ? Confusing way of approaching things... That's all this entire thread is about, it's not about loading or not loading XMP profiles ( as the BBSE and rams we prefer for benching don't have profiles for Ivy high clocks ). It's what works on other boards but doesn't work on GB boards... Why not fix it ? Beats me... Next objective 16Gb 2666C10 as this is doing my head in ( again ) and this time with XMP profile
  14. @Sin Plz load the XMP 2600 profile for eg the Flare kit... good luck ! You want to help these boards to evolve or stand still ? Secondly I never said you are paied by Gigabyte, people just link you to them as you are everywhere concerning help threads and co ( kuddos to you )... good advice: just be carefull what you preach and stop using the F word. We are all adults, no need for that temper mode at all...
  15. Already flashed back to F9 bios... too many issues on my daily rig with F10X... Worked okayish yesterday with the TridentX kit, this morning PC hangs again at startup screen. Hope the others have more success with it...
  16. Joanna = Jonas Klar without nuts ?
  17. Sometimes it will be better to post nothing then these types of comments due to your affiliation with a certain brand dude... sometimes posting these things will do more harm then what you think. Do you care ? Then plz don't treat us in this manner, as this will backfire in the long end... I just adressed what to me feels as an issue and a lot of end users experienced the same thing with older ram on the GB boards (so plz don't talk about XMP profiles). We provided a workaround with the 3 looser timing settings. PJ even showed it to Hicookie in Paris. If you are too stubborn or too proud to let these settings be adjusted, well that's then darn good for you... I just tell you a lot of end users ( not OCers hunting down records or knowing their way in the bios ) prefer other brands just due to the easy nature of their biosses... You want to increase sales ? Then make the biosses more forgiving at boot...
  18. Reflashed F10X, first flash seemed bonkers. Board hang at bios screen and nothing, not even XMP profile worked anymore ( ) . Reflashed, reset cmos, loaded optimised defaults, powered down and rebooted seemed to fix the hanging screen and previous XMP problem. But but but... Nothing seems to have changed for my hardware setup or the topic of this thread... Some now known subtimings are still too tight if left on AUTO... sigh... If I change TRRD to 6 and tRRSR and tWWSR to 5 she boots fine at 2666Mhz... otherwise 15-03 switch off... or I can load the XMP profile wOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOt, but that's for pussies
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