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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. Marc only has got great rams Goddie, you should know that
  2. nope a 4 core is a 4 core, other way aorund is allowed an AMD 2core that you can unlock to 3 or even 4 cores...
  3. Comparing SS with air is hard not ? Your 4C/8T prolly needs a tad more Vcore to pass 32M. Estimating 1.35Vcore for the 4/4 5Ghz run is quite okay. You will need to test her under LN2 to see how she cales...
  4. I bought all of them boards last week. Besides the 890GX which I already had. It was really hard to track down a 9300 board... Your Windows XP is SP3 ? My efficiency sucks ( normal for me ) even more on XP then Win7. Impressive scores nevertheless !
  5. For once I agree with Splave ( I must be getting old and weak lol ). Jan is in the pro league, pretty normal Chris they get handpicked stuff or some sort of sponsorship... Now the reviewers and me want them boards to test. If you read this Nick, I'm still awaiting that whole bunch of ASRock Z77 boards...
  6. Amasing score there man, win7 was better here then my lite XPs. Couldn't breach 1600 though, well done !!
  7. Wow some great final scores by Robot from TweakPC.DE very well done sir ! Seems I need to redo some scores on XP to regain top spot...
  8. Pretty sure you can do it Infrared, this is my final score, no more sandbagging...
  9. Ow yes it is mate, with these clocks I should normally be more in the 4850 region then this...
  10. Nah just want to protect people from themselves that's all... have you ever seen Splaves fists ?
  11. Not as long as you are here luv
  12. Seems some people's sense of humour is still limited at kindergarden level... Ofcourse you can blame culture, Freud or even your english teacher... I thought the mutual dislike between the two parties involved is now more than clear... Let this thread rest in peace instead of posting even more nonsense... Avoid making a bigger fool out of yourself or your company (policy)...
  13. Yep, seems they have inferior sideport IC's on board. Couldn't do it with Extreme 3 nor 4... but fun nevertheless... go for 4K I.NFRAR.ED
  14. That has happened before Chris and it still is happening right now under our nose... it's just the way it goes... in fact if you give a decent overclocker ( so not me ) a pre binned cherry CPU he will do great scores on it To bad you and me are not amongst the happy few that get's them Rock on !!
  15. Great work there, good to see the little player getting up against the big boys
  16. We tested with UD3H and wild guessing the new P board has the same limits... hence why PJ benched on my ASUS board.
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