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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. Backup the backup plan... !! C'mon Romenia, post them scores !!! where's Germany at and the USA ?
  2. it's official : Hondacity sucks as hard as I do : you are the Nr2 Notorious Fail overclocker !! I will be nr1 4ever !!
  3. Well done !! Very strong score, let's see what Romenia can put up against all this...
  4. C'mon Belgium we need some more scores before wednesday !!! [hidden mode] " You know what to do Christian. Plz PM me your bank account for the money transfer. I'll transfer the cash after the score has been submitted. "[/end of hidden mode] Was fun guys yesterday, hope to do some more... though my place is a pile of dead/sort of alive hardware... and I feel pretty lousy and tired lol
  5. I'd opt for Intel power... the FX4100 isn't a real quad mate and performance might be not that good in games which use more than two cores... and a lot of new games do... In Belgium 2500K is about 80 euros more expensive than FX 4100. Where do you get the 200 euro difference ? Motherboards can be had in different flavours for the Intel from 100 euros on... , there's no need for an expensive motherboard... P67 will do just fine...
  6. I'm in the same position as you mate... don't think it will be allowed, ES is ES no matter if for 2 or 3D... and that's all Kenny fault
  7. I agree with Flanker , prolly no patch will appear for any of the CPUs. I even doubt win8 will be even it...
  8. 2600K L132B627 : 5.2Ghz L114B969 : 5.4Ghz Both booted on air into W7... 1.52Vcore set in bios... cwap again
  9. I fail to see the reason in your reasoning Flanker...
  10. Those are heftly voltage CPUs Petri, we had better succes in stability with lowering Vcore then by raising it, strangely enough... Question on your mounting. Me and PJ had issues with the Sabretooth socket and the Infliction rods... seems a different thread... so we used kingpin ones and pushed them through... you guys had any luck to run 2400mhz rams ?
  11. At least the Pizza was good and the little cat annoying... too bad we didn't nail 5.4 or better CPU...
  12. How is belgium ever gonna get 5 scores together : This proves Massman is really french
  13. same issue here mate... need another board form another vendor... I'll do the basic rview on this board, then move onto whatever I can get my hands on for the detailed review and OCing... Hypers do not work on this board at all
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