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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. hope Massman can correct the ranking soon... so weird to see this score on top of them all
  2. you've been MasspOwned !!! I think he has the working validation in his right hand pocket
  3. Card works perfectly on X58 920Mhz heaven at 1.1VGPU, pretested this morning... anything above 850Mhz on the M4E crashed... retested card just now on X58 : 920Mhz no issue... sigh...sigh...sigh
  4. Sad to here, UD7 here works though with my hypers just needs more voltage... hope you can get it fixed, you got two nice CPUs there... Time to set some records !!
  5. Coz they don't organise any event here , Plus still not sponsoring here for a simple banner,... it's a simple as that...
  6. Good start now hunt for efficiency Pete. Sub 44 Is Easyily Doable With Them Speeds, Hyper Leads The Way !!
  7. I made a similar comment yesterday at the blog PJ that numbers with a more powerfull card can give a totally different outcome. I stated that with the 6970 things start to get very GPU limited. Guess what : post are still under moderation
  8. I have no issues if anyone recommends it, that's your own choice. And most reviewers iwll prolly have a good reason/conclusion to back it up. But the site mentioned in the OP is getting a bit famous here at Hwbot with their ratings and awards. Some extracts : The review itself says the that the price is not good atm , yet they give it a value award, beats me how that lines up...The OCing comment is marvellous too... Games have been nicely run at almost exactly AMD specs, trash the GPU and you get similar results accross most CPUs... This CPU is not as bad as many think for daily users, most biggest issue is the heatoutput and powerusage... and yes it's still way overpriced... for benchers it is worthless... And for the AMD blog they have to tell us something don't they... and everyone tests a game at different way, you can't compare results unless there's a build in benchmark thingy (that's gives a reliable output)... so his comments are a bit silly...
  9. Sorry no you are german, request overruled... only allowed freebies for SOF
  10. Nice one, too bad the architecture is limited for us benchers to a few tests... my board screamed at 6.6ghz already 8 cores
  11. I tested win 8 and it gives a tiny bit better performance due to improved task scheduler over Win7. Improvements : 1-4%, it still doesn't cut it at all... new word is the disabling of cores/threads to boost performance and lower power draw...
  12. I'm so glad Massman is french... otherwise I would have been so ashamed...
  13. I was very scared when they fired it up for the first time... But an impresive last year build from the guy with the electrical hair...
  14. Other ram divider Luc, you need more ram speed... 7min 50 is at least your target
  15. so Gigabyte boards kill CPUs ? Or was it the overclocker ?
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