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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. la moule Eeky !!
  2. We only get our retail Ivys at 29th of April... how can you include them in a competition ? With Sam onboard this is going to be a breeze.... It will be the world against Kenny's expertise !!
  3. See you still don't grasp it excluding Marc from the inner circle
  4. That's love Marc, nothing to do with getting samples... I hope you discover the difference once
  5. That's love Marc, nothing to do with getting samples... I hope you discover the difference once
  6. Is this the way to go to get some nice Gigabyte boards ? Might prostitute myself too then, but I think I have more limits then christian... no swallowing at all... it's against my religion
  7. Ah it was you that took my rams, now I'm brainless today.... again And hungry, no breakfast for me then today Let's hope the ASRock Extreme 9 get's them soaring high !!
  8. Good to hear HWBot is continously evolving It will all work out Sergio, it just takes time...
  9. Mate, it might be the language barrier as expressed before... but this discussion is maybe the result of many discussions in topics at HWbot before. Dealing with expensive hardware, multiple GPU's etc... and most were started by Brazilian OC'ers... Look I don't point a finger at you as maybe your only intention was to highlight what can be done with "special" hardware. But this has been dealt before and heavily discussed. That's why I asked you previously what the aim was of this thread. Never mind it's the ways of the internet, things get drawn out of proportion sometimes...
  10. Last time to make things clearer : This is how you introduced to us your point of view : Looks like don't need to overclock hard to be in top 10 I noticed sometimes don't need to have lots of effort get good scores. Curious scores can give lots of points, and better, you don't need to overclock hard your system...is just run the benchmark. To me sounds like : if you can afford the hardware you get easy points. No Ocing skills nor tweaking required. Just a big wallet and the right hardware... Similar topic as discussed a gazillion times in other threads... Doesn't it all sound familiar ? If that's is not what you meant, then I'm sorry and the language barrier is the cause off all the previous posts... Maybe it's the ways of the internet... or April fools...
  11. Because you guys already made so many threads and it's usually always about the same subject : Why do these scores get so many points ? Why is multi GPU so much rewarded ? So easy to gather points with exclusive hardware. I can't afford this hardware, so this is unfair to me, This hardware is not yet availabe in my country,... Want me to go on ? Do yourself a favour and look for all threads and comments you, your team, your country has created and try to spot if there's somesort of a trend plz... Outcome : In the end it all starts to look darn repetitive... the credibility is close to be completely lost... And I offend noone, and am not even remotely offended by any of the threads. It's just "a trend" that many of us are observing... And if you want to help the BOT, there are other ways then to keep on posting in this similar fashion... as hardly anyone takes it seriously anymore... Most us react with this : SIGH another thread started... but enjoy yourself...
  12. So in the end it leads to what ? This has been the case from day one and with newer revisions most of the rare CPu's and co got far less points... I wonder what it takes to plz you brazilian overclockers as you seem to be very frustrated with the ways things are being run right now... And it's time to take a stand and be honest instead of these indirect threads each time... WHAT'S YOUR GOAL ?
  13. Ah now I get it, it's APRIL FOOLS !!
  14. Take your pills Marc or get some rest, no need to let your alter ego type the same message again...
  15. Coz we payed him to so do ? I'm being honoured by the presence of mista Sam Welcome Sam Kenny you party pooper
  16. Good Tip Sin : so to all boost your ego by just going pro... In my case I go up 200 spots
  17. Let's summarize this new thread on again "another much applauded and heralded I want to get a boost in the ranking topic and b i t c h on the whole system itself and to those that make these rules to favour anti overclocking in general" in 3 pictures : Either do this and just have fun : If you won't or can't and keep us amusing with these threads. My limited brain resources came up with this : Two options to get quickly rid of your frustrations towards the BOT and it's crew : Option 1 : Or Option 2 : Press this button plz
  18. Older ES are allowed for all. New generation ES is only for Pro league benchers... no need to comment again, rules have been set... And ES is not always equal to retail model... eg some have unlocked multies etc..
  19. Happy B'day Karl and happy B'day myself
  20. More bclock Bauke, get them 5 min 57 flat !! Have you tried non 01 bios ? Was faster here for 32M
  21. Very cool......... droooooool
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