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Everything posted by TaPaKaH

  1. push
  2. push, added a Vishera
  3. 1333 8-11-7 is actually not that difficult with majority of 2133 8-9-8 RipjawsX kits
  4. Some items sold, push
  5. EDIT: nevermind, thought it's an old score. Never expected James to come back to life
  6. Added two E2180s. @wytiwx: I try to keep my hardware stock to a minimum.
  7. Push, some items sold, some prices dropped.
  8. I don't know why Luumi ran tRCD 8, usually this is not necessary even on air.
  9. All that with six sticks of RAM, no slow mode and CPU seemingly on air? Ehr ...
  10. I don't think it differs from other ASUS P45 boards in terms of FSB. And those boards were not famous for their FSB capabilities, so.. I had one of these long ago. IMC-wise it stopped around 900 with 2x2GB.
  11. When there's a group benching event I often contribute my CPUs, board or mems and other people can upload the scores on their account, if they like. Nearly all of top hardware scores on E2160, E4300, E5200, E6300, E6400, E6600, E6750, E7200, E8400, E8500, E8600 and Q6600 were done with CPUs that I still own. EDIT: I am also binning 939, 1156, 1366, AM3 and AM3+ (CPUs, board, mems) in parallel because the supply of 775 on eBay has dried out lately. You might see the results ... ehr ... some day
  12. I am still binning and benching, as active as ever. Just not for hwbot
  13. This wasn't a 50-pointer category back in the day, so I sold the chip immediately after producing the scores. If it helps your or anyone else's search, here's a picture of it and here's what its core was capable of on aircooling. There's no way you can approach 6 mins with i3-540. At this sort of CPU and hence BCLK clockspeed, you have no choice but to run mem at x3. Uncore is locked at x16 and QPI will generally not go above 5200-5400MHz even on LN2. And efficiency/PP-wise, you can't do much better with x23 multi, x3 mem, x16 uncore and x18 qpi. The only thing you can push is BCLK, meaning a sub-6 run with above multis would require around 297x23 (~6.84GHz), which I do not think is possible both on CPU and board side.
  14. I had done 6min22 run at 6440MHz on this CPU. Given that I had to upload my best score at once (a practice I did't normally follow) this means that there was an immediate necessity to do so, as in a comparable or better score.
  15. Wasn't there an i3-540 score by Roman (der8auer) that was massively faster than this?
  16. Actually, QPI was known as the method to improve clock-per-clock efficiency on Clarkdale since its introduction It has to do with memory controller and core sitting on physically separate dies with QPI being the clockspeed of the bus between them. This also explains why Clarkdale is so terribly inefficient compared to contemporary Lynnfield / Bloomfield / Gulftown, all of which have IMC and core on the same die.
  17. Some items sold. Nobody wants B-die for 120 + shipping?
  18. already pending to someone else ... at 3 in the morning
  19. Added a Rampage III Black
  20. I used to go mad about IMC binning on this platform, just to be able to do spec with newly-released 2300/2400/2500/2533/2625-rated PSC kits. I went through a few dozen of i7-8xx and highest I found was 1250. Don't remember how much VTT it took. Also no idea where this CPU is now. I think I sold it at XS, OCX or luxx.
  21. Some of my Hyper runs from nearly a decade ago LN2 RAM on mini ITX before it got mainstream
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