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Everything posted by gtxx58

  1. Thank you, yes, I am already prep for the release of the new score new released of benchmate works well for old 775 and win 7 !
  2. 1.9 i think, this chip scale really well with voltage!
  3. And the most impressive, this chip can do more, see under 12 min but crash on screenshot
  4. No, its set to 4 thread, this is what tweaker apply at idle!
  5. Thanks, so much fun in this session, picky imc !
  6. My miss, sorry I have to edit this one !☝️
  7. Thanks, vcore mod that’s its, vrm was literally on fire ? ?
  8. I put a lot of effort to achive this, thats will be nice if the board do at least 610-620 32m, i need to put more time in mem, hyper works great but my sample has 1 slot at 1000+ 6-7-5 easy but other slot do only 950-960, this board is defenitly efficient, I consider about modding this board.
  9. No d9gtr here but tried with different strap and mem or nb don’t seem to be the limitation.
  10. Unfortunately at this point it’s far from stable, i need to prob this board, with some mod it could be better !
  11. Asrock shine more than 10 years after this release ! Thanks to all comments
  12. From initial testing Asrock p45X3, hyper patriot, 1.8vcore, 1.67vnb, -115 cpu and pretty much able to sustain full pot on nb. Much more test to come and uncommon board to test as I have a much cheaper ln2 supply now!
  13. Always know that this board has potential, allready had all others top board, this is not because it dont clock wolfdale well, that it obsolete, its deff lack on mem, from the scalling i seen im really curious to put it on cold, i want to see some 32m action at 580+ THANKS :)
  14. Interesting to see some lc3518 in action !
  15. Well done, finally a jasper sub after all these years!
  16. For sure an interesting result for generic ddr, maybe more for benching than freq, if it bench close to this freq!
  17. Not more than 2.8v as this stick is a great bencher, i dont want to risk it, im really hopping that your sticks scale with cold, really nice ic, maybe it change everything for freq !
  18. Nice result, whats max benchable frequency ? and timing, interesting ic for sure!
  19. exactly what i expected, GigaPower, around 1.95 on the ram !
  20. Voltage tolerance, for sure its more harder to find. hyper all the way, bdbg is great when you pass the point that fsb/ratio is too high for hyper
  21. @LuumiCan’t wait to see this video
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