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Everything posted by Samsarulz

  1. Sorry if its a dumb question, but since CPU was delidded, it was (afterwards) relidded with CLU or Kryonaut? or just the delid failed? Regards
  2. Does damage only applies to IHS or also to CPU itself? Cooler/Waterblock has poor contact due to dented border? Regards
  3. It seems so. Will now this wednesday. Im still at holidays . Enviado desde mi A0001 mediante Tapatalk
  4. PM sent
  5. Great CPU, but I got short on money sice I ordered a Z170 OCF. Regards
  6. quote for Z77 OCF to Chile?
  7. quote for shipping to Chile?
  8. Still looking, it seems L0ud is out for holidays. No response from him .
  9. Great thread. Subscribed!
  10. CPU is delidded, relidded or still virgin jaja? good price imo
  11. Was going to ask the same
  12. Read from a youtube comment that there will be a "cheaper option" . Maybe we will have some news soon (I hope so).
  13. and cheaper shipping with tracking ? Regards
  14. Hi there! How much is shipping (EMS) to Chile?
  15. Does your 4790k has better/good/outstanding IMC or is just a regular 4790K? I ask since I would like to do the same overclock achieved with those memory kits. Regards
  16. If MB never cold, all tests were made with air/water? Do you accept offers or those are the prices? Regards
  17. Both Bought
  18. PM sent.
  19. Samsarulz

    Great i7 5960x

    Great 5960X Marc. Wish you luck! Regards
  20. Hi! Any validation with XTU? QUote to Chile (South America)? Regards
  21. Hey loud, Do you still have? Panram high bin kit, Corsair Platinum DIMMs and Xeon L3014? Regards
  22. Thanks. Some time ago I read about that selling, but forgot about those CPUs. Regards
  23. Hi there! Interested in one of these or maybe two if price is not too high. Please PM me with offer. Regards
  24. great price imho. would offered, but not so sure if Im goin to stay with Haswell or Skylake
  25. Price for pot? cant see it (just shipping estimation for overseas). Regards
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