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Everything posted by Samsarulz

  1. Samsarulz

    [FS] Strong 4790k

    PM sent :v
  2. Thanks
  3. Would be a PITA if I request a picture of what is included? Thanks At least the OC Dashboard and I/O Shield are included, right? Im interested, but need more info since is a very affordable price.
  4. Hey Random, is just the motherboard or does this come with retail box and ful bundle :v ?
  5. Looks good. Too bad im overseas
  6. Can I request a shipping quote to Chile? Regards
  7. Hi! yours is R15, this is R11.5 Ranking. Regards
  8. Looks good. Looking forward for an affordable proce .
  9. No recuerdo exactamente, pero cada CPU Intel desde 2° Generación de Core i3/i5/i7 permite ajustar el multiplicador máximo para 1 core/2Cores (algunas veces 3 cores = 4 cores) y 4 cores. Si te fijas, la máxima valicdación es con 1 núcleo (ver CPU-Z). Saludos
  10. You just need the batch (FPO #) to check warranty. Seems like a very good 5960x. Wish you luck http://www.intel.com/p/en_US/support/warranty Regards
  11. Great to see a round up like this since Thermal Grizzly was released some days ago Would like to see more testing! Regards
  12. Waiting for tracking :3
  13. Yeah, accumulators are meant to prevent liquid to enter the compressor. Never done an SS before but read a lot at XS. A friend of mine built one and tested with R404a and R507c, both refrigerants are almost the same, but R507 could manage better the workloads and was a bit cheaper. Tests were made with some rotaries designed for R410a (Panasonic 13000/9000 BTU), but as long as the gas is meant to be used with the same oil (POE in this case), there is no problem at all. Regards
  14. Too bad since he did a SS (not a cascade) for chispy if I recall correctly. Maybe cascade stuff is too fragile for shipping. Was another guy called Noob_of_l33t or something like that. Maybe he can give you a hand . Once I bought from him a cooper cartridge resistor system to test thermal charge on SS. Regards
  15. Samsarulz


    Some time ago I ordered from Dimastech. Everything ok up to Chile, but Fedex ripped me off. Courier expenses were greater than what I ordered. Regards
  16. Marc... do you already asked "runmc" from XS. He is still running the "under-the-ice" website for Phase cooling. He is from USA. I bought some parts from him and everything in order Maybe bartx from Poland can build something too. Stay away from Ryba. Regards
  17. Good pair of CPUs. Bought 1 like the 1.23v one (cheaper). Waiting for it!. Liked the other of 1.15v but was too much for me.
  18. Samsarulz


    Good seller, buy with confidence
  19. Samsarulz

    RVE $350 USD

    buuuu Already ordered a X99 SOC Champion. for 350 bucks if working properly is a very good offer! Luck!
  20. Even without global points removed from PC Mark 2005 from time to time I upload some scores. Not so great but it´s something. Will do some 3D2000 and 99 again for some cups I thing. Neither of those have any kind of points but some people still do benchmarks.
  21. Al parecer ambas formas son consideradas como correctas. Sólo consultaba sin ánimo de causar un daño directo/indirecto. Saludos desde Chile
  22. Is a shame to see this right now . Great board and CPUs. Looking forward to have more luck next time. Bump!
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