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Everything posted by Achill3uS

  1. Roman must be very busy for next couple days congrats everyone for the amazing cpus, i guess hwbot damage incoming ^^
  2. i did calibrate it by putting into ln2 and set to -196C... seems fine by now will see at next session
  3. i take the G.Skill kit Michael lets continue on PM
  4. nice guide XA thanks for share! cold throttling was killing me when benching this card on ln2, its good to know there is a solution to avoid this!
  5. wow nice score! what was the actual cpu clock? i guess above 6.3G
  6. such amazing effort! congrats Daniel!
  7. wow so much improve since last year. top job PJ
  8. Thanks a lot my friends yes Alby, same cpu but moar volts
  9. 5.1 xtu on water, nice mate
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