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Everything posted by Wizerty

  1. Motherbaord is sold B-die and CPU still available
  2. Hi, I sell some hardware components with a friend of me : -i7 5960X @6GHz+ It's a really good CPU, it can bench Cinbench R15 @6015 MHz, even 6030 one time but score was not as good as 6015 result. score was made on MSI x99 MB 750€ without shipping https://d1ebmxcfh8bf9c.cloudfront.net/u26777/image_id_1786548.png -Rampage 5 Extreme (isolation with Vaseline). Motherbaord is working fine but no box, no bundle. 100€ without shipping -G.skill B-die 3600 c16. 150€ without shipping Picture of product incomming For shipping fees let me know your country Free motherboard if you take the CPU + MEM
  3. Not sure this is "legal", better ask him before I will try to talk to him to see if I can help. I'm sure "you" will find a solution, keep cool (you and him) !!! Have a good day, Wiz
  4. Well, it seems that he know you pretty well I'm kidding ! I hope you will find a solution. As far as I know he is not a bad person and most of the time people don't have to complain about is price/services. Maybe just bad luck on this one. I bought "same" cpu month ago (from Zwitterion), but it is still in his box, no time to test it. I will try and let you know ASAP. IF it's a barely 6.7 R15 chip I will report him also, French friend or not it doesn't matter. When you buy a pre bin CPU you can have 10-20 MHz less, but 80 MHz is "too much". 6780 is a really good chip. 6700 is a average+. Honestly, as every OCer, I already had the same issue, sold a good CPU and buyer can't bench it as high as me, and also the opposite, sell 5.7 chip and buyer benched it at 5.8+ . Don't know why... You test it on APEX ? For IHS it can make difference and help to avoid crack. But if you don't have crack, and use same TIM then frequency should be closed.
  5. BOOOOOM in your face... can't touch this : http://hwbot.org/submission/3499747_
  6. I also had this issue weeks ago. It happened when I used turbov (bios 5803). boot at 1.1 V (or 1.4 v) with LLC auto or LLC1, I don't use LLC4or5 as it's too high. -First time the bug happened I tried to apply 1.2 v and I was looking on T°(not on vcore). I saw T° going from IDLE to +120°C in less than a 1second when I started cinebench R15. I thought I had set the wrong value. -2nd time same happened, +114°C and shutdown again really quick, no time to check voltage (also tried to set 1.2V on Turbov). -3rd time it happend when I tried to apply 1.1V. I saw T° going to 98°C but benchmark was still able to run, so I used my DMM and read +1.7V. My guess is if it's +98°C with 1.7V running CBr15, previous time when CPU reached +120°c in 0.1second voltage was probably more than 1.9 V. ... I did 1900 MHz on mem also with 5803 (didn't test new bios yet). But it's difficult (at least on my setting). Anything between 3400 and 3650 is no go. anything higher than 3680 is no go. The "windows" is really small, 1 MHz on ref_clk. this is with 2600 ratio, didn't try on other ratio, maybe it's more easy. I Will try it on new BIOS later
  7. ok, thank you, wiz
  8. This is timings set be autorules with different ratio. blue area can be set manually from bios. green area can't be set manually, you need to use the good ratio to get timings you want if I understand the guide. http://forum.hwbot.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=5414&stc=1&d=1488929939 @elmor : I don't understand why there is " timings control after training" ? autorules are the same with all mem stick or it depend on brand ? Ic ? Tks, wiz
  9. Indeed, with F5 setting in bios I can boot with 120 refclk. I tried to set one be one all my setting and I finally find the "wrong" setting. When you set SMT to enable MB can't reach anymore high refclk I tried few time "auto" and "enable" -> Auto = boot -> enable = no boot This is still with 5704, I will try new BIOS no. Tks. EDIT : Same bug happen also with 5803 bios. So keep SMT mode on AUTO
  10. Sure, I will try after work today with same bios and with new bios. Thanks, Wiz
  11. Hi, Thanks for the guide and geekbench result, that's nice. I probably do something wrong, but I'm stuck at 110 BCLK, any advice ? 3200 MEM x 100 boot easily 2400 MEM x 110 boot easily but I can't boot higher than 110 -> reboot for ever (loop). I tried 111 112 115 120 135 CPU ratio is low enough to be safe bios 5704 mouse/KB plug on CPU USB PCI-E gen2 Dram V 1.4 to 1.6 no improvement SOC V 0.95 to 1.2 no improvement Sb 1.05 to 1.2 no improvement PLL 1.8 2.5 SB V 2.5 to 2.7 no improvement VGA is GT620 on PCI16-1 No sata or other device attached Tanks
  12. For info, with my memory stick, If I set "Maximus tweak : Mode2" on memory tab I get stuck in "3F" post code (sometime an other but often 3F). Do you know what is 3F ? If I set same setting with auto then no more issue
  13. If you failed while flashing your OCpanel : (yes, it can happened I just ready Ver. 2.02 on PCB and use OCpanel II files, but seems that even if it 2.02 it's OCpanel one ) So after trying to flash using the wrong files, OCpanel was not working anymore, red led blink super fast and no display. I tried to flash again but it was not recognize anymore. After many attempt I find that If I dont plug the cable completly (only plug right part of the connector) then red led show up (don't blink) and I can flash it again Now it's working properly . ((try to plug right side and keep left side pin not in contact) Conclusion, first be sure to use good file haha. I hope you won't need this "tweak, but if you need it, maybe it can help you to get it work again. Wiz
  14. Tks for sharing "R15=XTU – 100MHz R15= HWBOTPRIME +100MHz" It's understandable but it's not really true If XTU is 6600 then : R15 = 6600 - 100 = 6500 I think XTU = R15 - 100 is better for understanding and for math
  15. If you bench again please add verification link
  16. Hi, EDIT : done Tks, Wiz
  17. Thanks for sharing I'm wondering what is the step when you got from +189 to 190 ? Is it "small" enough to adjust voltage or Vgpu will jump from 1.6 V to 2 V Is it fast to go from +0 to +190 ? I remember AOOC with titan + black Epower. Every boot you had to decrease voltage to boot, and then increase it up to 1.8 V. Going from 1.2 to 1.8 to 1.2 to 1.8 .... was tooooo long
  18. 6700k with 2cores enable is allowed ? to be 100% sure 2c/4t also allowed ? Tks
  19. Instead of spending ALL YOUR TIME reporting submitions on hwbot, moreover proper submitions, maybe you can start by reading the rule (this is true for hwbot and also for marketplace). Cheer, Your Ex-captain Ps : here you can find it here: (I save 5min of your time giving you the link, maybe you can use this time to check some of your ex-teammate submitions ) http://forum.hwbot.org/announcement.php?f=122
  20. Well memory help on RB, at least on 1080 seems to help. On 980ti I don't know because all OCing give 16xx MHz so I can't tell if it will be better or not. I have an XOC bios with 1750MHz but rig shutdown as soon as test start. I also tried Rx480 but score was under 100k and my strix fury was not available. OFF : 2-3y ago I also used many VGA for mining (LTC, dodge...). It was the heating system for my house (true story) during all the winter. I used 2-3 VGA per room , office, kitchen, lobby, living room... it was funny. mostly 290x and 280x. I don't think I earned money with this but at least it refund electricity -> free heating system
  21. @Menthol : I spent ALL the week-end on this stage. Sunday I stop benching only 3hours for my running race (10km), then fu**** tired I had to start benching again, trying to catch meankeys. Your score is really good, nice subtest4 . wondering, do you use AMD SDK for openCL ? it give me 10k boost on subtest3 but average score is lower on subtest 2and4, wondering if you see it also ? And anyone know how to fix memory drop on opencl test ? with my 980Ti frequency drop from 2200 to 16xx. With my 1080 frequency drop from 1450 to 1250. this happen only with opnecl, on 2d or 3d benchmark gpu-z show full speed. but when opencl start gpu-z report big drop.
  22. french = complaining ? Don't know what you are talking about (I'm not complaining, at least this time :wistle: only give you my feedback and hope to improve this contest . If I was not happy I won't be there). This contest is nice, even if it give me nightmare... wiz
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