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Everything posted by Chilli-Man

  1. LN2 testing?
  2. You need to clear out your inbox What would shipping on the REX be to Australia?
  3. The overview says limited to 750ti and down, but Stage 4 says 760 is ok?
  4. We can use a GTX960 for Stage 4? Or is it limited to GTX750 as stated in the overview?
  5. I thought it'd been stated that the hardware limitations would be the same for all the rounds in each division?
  6. Chilli-Man

    Part out....

    Only after one of them, but between being a student and the rubbish exchange rate at the moment I'm definitely after a deal.
  7. Chilli-Man

    Part out....

    Do you still have a Kingpin Tek9 Slim Rev 7.0 available?
  8. Hey, I'm trying to figure out volt mods for a Gigabyte GTX750ti black (GV-N75TWF2BK-2GI). I'm pretty sure the chips are uP1542s and 81172, but I can't find datasheets on either of them though. Any help would be great. Even just the datasheets so I can have a go at figuring it out myself would be extremely helpful.
  9. I'm also liking this setup. Not sure on the 6 or 12 months before moving out of the Rookie leagues, but this plus relevant comps should help ease the transition.
  10. Nah, don't worry about it. There's no need for that.
  11. Yeah, saw that, which is why I haven't been using any. Just wondering how that works with the results that have already been posted that are sub-ambient.
  12. 2 degrees C is obviously not sub-zero, but is still below ambient. Seems that's what people are doing, but I'm not sure it's legal? Or if those results will be removed at the end.
  13. For Stage 1 with XTU, are sub-ambient results (using chillers or ice) going to be invalidated, or should I be grabbing myself a bag of ice on the way home tonight?
  14. Low room temp (late at night with the window open) combined with the delidded CPU with the waterblock directly on the die.
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