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Everything posted by unityofsaints

  1. Time to recalculate this score as you are double-dipping atm
  2. Ohh look, he bought himself some pts again
  3. Was waiting for this 3+ year old record to fall. Epic!
  4. Please recalculate or delete this score, currently you're getting points twice as you also have the gold...
  5. Happy New Year! Thanks to @GeorgeStorm and @Leeghoofd for all your work, some excellent stages. Who knows, maybe someone will get their finger out next year and actually bench this comp
  6. check the scores above and below it in the ranking, even for 7 GHz it's efficient
  7. Yes "Greece" "won" in 2016
  8. Boring. When are you going back to dice benching?
  9. Well done! Fastest non-1080ti 2x '05 on the planet atm
  10. Please recalculate this score. You appear in the rankings twice and get pts twice
  11. How come there is no SS and the validation link is invalid?
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