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Everything posted by suzuki

  1. Dead topic, thread necromancer :)) Hopefully tmrw i will be back with a better run, i was so close in passing 8600 same subtimings. #17kclub
  2. Happy new year to all , old and new, and may 2023 bring you all the joy and hardware you desire! Best of luck Hwbot!
  3. You will be left on "seen" :)).
  4. Ce buget ai? Din ce oras mai exact? Am cam toata lista pusa de tine, fara punctul 7. Da-mi pm si continuam de acolo.
  5. This is insane! Nice find, 200 euro board in top with all the other advertised "beasts" and can handle it no problemo.
  6. Got the board from Vertex, played a little bit with it as time is limited on the end of the year Does any multi after 8400 works for you guys, on the new bios, 2.05? https://hwbot.org/submission/5150569_ How do i know which one is limiting me, either ram or cpu imc? Max voltage on vddq/vdd/vsa to push further what is in that sub? It does boot in windows at 8480, but crashes in GB3.
  7. Thanks! Tbf, i had no idea is the fastest sub, was just testing memory settings :)).
  8. Galax kit pending payment. Up for the rest.
  9. Added 2 B-die kits, tested on regular ambient. Galax Oc Lab 4600c19 , no 37/50 Results : 4924 - 14-13-13-28-220 1T 4474 - 13-12-12-28-220 1T https://imgur.com/a/ZGqqxC4 Price 350 Euro G.Skill 4133 cl17 Results: 5220 - 15-13-13-28-220 1T 4924 - 14-13-13-28-220 1T https://imgur.com/a/BS6yJuu Price 300 Euro Asus Zenith Extreme Alpha + Ek Velocity Wb(Never used, Bnib) Price 330 euro plus shipping and fees. https://imgur.com/a/Ib4jKkI 11900k Es , average on core, sp 81 , great ambient IMC 5220 very tight geekbench 3 with ram at 15-13-13-28 1T ,see above. Price 250 Euro. https://imgur.com/a/hHjacEP
  10. I have a binned one, what is your budget ?You need it for cold or ambient?
  11. Nice gem you got there, good to see that once in a while, old records are broken by new findings.
  12. Good job bro, you are on fire!!! Nice to see you benching on release.
  13. Mega achievement unlocked ! Congrats Luumi, but push for 7 ghz, leave something unique behind you, no sandbag please.:D
  14. This was massive, can't believe the new generation makes such a huge bump in score. Soon(4-5 yrs) we will hit 500k on ambient :D.
  15. 4,9,21 are sold and shipped. Bump for the rest.
  16. They are reserved for sparks.nl. My last kit of psc is some Pi with same characteristics as the Ripjaws. Will add them later.
  17. I saw your reply late, yes, it is available. 4 and 21 reserved.
  18. I own the L3014 from @TerraRaptorsubs, but works under specific conditions as it has some pcb damage. Will add also a dead one to the deal, as a keychain :)) . Make me an offer.
  19. I can't remember a better one.
  20. No. 20 sold and shipped.
  21. 17 sold, updated the topic, 2x R3e Be available.
  22. I have all 3 for sale, make me an offer via pm. They have box and accesories. Also a brand new Impact VIII.
  23. 18 was sold, 21 and 22 added, check first post. 22. 3x R3E BE full package and working + 1 x R3E BE bulk, not working. Bonus full waterblock. They will be tested before shipping. Videos of each one on whatsapp for the buyer. Price 1200 € + shipping and fees. Payment - bank transfer. (I have a 5th one , bulk, that boots and it is stuck at FF code, price negotiable for that)
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