Very rare board, working condition. Never benched, tested at stock settings to see if working.
Price 300 euro or best offer.
20.Asus 5870 Matrix - 850/1200mhz
Working condition, never benched, tested at stock settings to see if working.
Comes with box, manual and sticker.
Price 100 euro or best offer.
29. Asus P5e3 Wifi @Premium , old batch Early sample in very good condition, was in a box for more than 6 years until last night.
Works at least 620 fsb boot with Auto settings, only vnb set to 1.53, fsb term to 1.36 and pll to 1.5, rest auto. You might try to lower them or feel free to tweak for more.
Tested Imc, 2080 6-7-5 at 1.63v, profile set in bios. Gtls and skews are on auto, feel free to tweak. Tried for fun 6-6-5-20-60 -1T 2040 , just spi 1m for Imc test was only strap 200, Pl5.
Price 230 euro plus shipping. https://imgur.com/a/xWWuFAe
Accepting payment only in Bank transfer within EU/Revolut or Crypto payments(USDT).
I do not pay for shipping or transfer fees, please take that into consideration when doing the transfer.
SOLD section :
1. Gigabyte Z97 Soc Force Ln2 BNIB, with bartx adapter, special made to be compatible with some Aio, one of the latest batches he made upon request.
Board comes in rma box, was never tested, will do that before shipping. Comes from Asus Spain to my knowledge.
400 Euro plus shipping.
5. 2x4 2800c10 Kingston Ddr3 ,capable of 2800 c9-12-12 at ~1.81v low voltage kit and rare collector item for DDR3 era.
Video min voltage 2800 c9
Price 350 euro + shipping
2.2x2 2400c8 Psc kit,the one from Splave latest sale post.
SOLD +shipping (added complete bundle, i received them bulk, serials do not match but it was the box from an original 2400 pi kit)
3.2500c9 2x2 Geil EvoTwo ,pristine kit highest psc bin from Geil.
Price 160 Euro + shipping.
6.G.skill Pi 2000 6-9-6 2x2 - Pending.
7.Corsair Dominator 2666 c10 , one of the best kits ,details can be found in the initial for sale topic. (https://community.hwbot.org/topic/163973-corsair-dominator-platinum-2666c10-gskill-flare-2000c7/)
Price 250 euro/ last 2 modules.
Only 2 sticks available, the other 2 were sold.
8.Defective Asus MarsII ,no signal on screen, fans run 100% -paid,pending shipping
12.Evga P55 200 Classified
Collector item, package complete.
200 euro or best offer.
14. Rampage V Edition 10 -250 euro
15.2500k benchable 5550@2cores -50 euro
13.Evga Z390 Dark.
Complete package.
300 euro or best offer.
10. Fat & Slim pot GPU (i think Ryba ?)
Fat pot was Nachtfalke's,posted here in one of his for sale topics. I didn't use any of them,hence the sale.
Fat pot 150€ or best offer Slim pot 80€ or best offer Shipping and pp fees not included.
18. Gigabyte GA-Z170X - SOC FORCE LN2, retail- reserved
Rare board, working condition. Never benched, tested at stock settings to see if working. Price 225 euro or best offer
17. Asus 5870 Matrix Platinum- reserved
Working condition, never benched, tested at stock settings to see if working. Complete package, collectors item.
Price- 120 euro or best offer1
4. Asrock X99 Oc Formula 4 Dimms - rare board
Price 250 Euro+ shipping.
9.G.Skill RipjawsX 2200c7 - One of my best kits, i kept only 2 from all my PSC binning ,this is one of them, next will be tested and FS soon. 2750 geekbench3 with only 1.87v, video of the run in private. Make offers via PM,please.
21.BNIB Gigabyte x58A-OC
Never used, will be tested for functionality before shipping.
Mint condition, cannot stress enough how well it was kept.
#Collector's item. (pictures in the imgur link)
Price 300 Euro plus shipping and fees.
22. 2 x R3E BE full package and working
One has some pins oxidated, will send pictures in private to the buyer.
Videos of each one on whatsapp for the buyer.
Price 400 euro each € + shipping and fees.
Payment - bank transfer/paypal
23. Galax Oc Lab 4600c19 , no 37/50
Results : 4924 - 14-13-13-28-220 1T
4474 - 13-12-12-28-220 1T
Price 350 Euro Pending Payment
27. 10900k ES -tested on cold, top 3 gb3 scores on hwbot. 375 Euro - Pending payment
28. G.Skill 6400c32 kit . Warranty on my name, tested for 8533 cl34 tight, see my subs in discords ddr5 channel.
Video will be provided in private, results might depend on cpu and motherboard but at least you eliminate the "if mem is good enough" question.
Price 300 Euro + shipping.
26. 11900k Es , average on core, sp 81 , great ambient IMC 5220 very tight geekbench 3 with ram at 15-13-13-28 1T ,see above. Price 230 Euro.
24. G.Skill 4133 cl17
Results: 5220 - 15-13-13-28-220 1T
4924 - 14-13-13-28-220 1T
Price 300 Euro
30. 13900ks SP P-cores 120, E-cores 93 , overall 111.
Bought locally, warranty on my name starting with today.
Price 850 euro plus shipping and fees if any on transfer.
Timestamps - https://imgur.com/a/k71IGyN
31. Evga z690 Dark Kingpin
New from Rma, warranty on my name. Only trade i accept is with z790 Kpe, i will add €€€. Price 550€, plus shipping and fees.
Pictures with the board - https://imgur.com/a/CAZwWNy
11.Evbot and Evc
Mint condition on both.
Price- 200 euro for both or best offer.
16.Msi Gtx 275 Lightning , modded card, complete package, will be tested for functionality before payment.
Price- 120 euro or best offer
Timestamp with the kit
Imgur Album with timestamps.
2nd album -https://imgur.com/a/UDDYywR
25. Asus Zenith Extreme Alpha + Ek Velocity Wb(Never used, Bnib) Price 320 euro plus shipping and fees.