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Everything posted by suzuki

  1. 16, 17 & 18 reserved. Added no. 20 Preparing few more gpu's and motherboards to add them here.
  2. Edited. Some were sold, added them on the sold section. New things added, check first post.
  3. Hi, i think i still have my x99 Asrock Oc Formula, ES, the version with 4 dimms, 2 on each side. Pm if interested.
  4. I second this, would like to see many subs like this, locked efficiency, but problem is secondary and tertiary, they need to be air values as well, in order to replicate. 2800 9-12-12 would be another interesting sub. 2666 8-11-7 bbse. All this are like iconic values.
  5. Sharon, when i was visiting we were eating pizza instead of doing WR's :)). Keep this amazing hardware for next time i will be there, maybe i will catch a few tricks from you :D.
  6. 13.Evga Z390 Dark. Complete package. Sold^
  7. Doesn't matter who had that board before you, you made it your slave and it serves you well, haha. Crazy fsb, crazy scores and gear.
  8. Sorry, i don't have such a kit, can you clarify what you mean? No1 was sold long time ago. Post is updated, there are many other things in "stock" but no time whatsoever to test/sell them.
  9. Ram and board gone, edited first post, more to come after weekend.
  10. Video for mambo no 5.
  11. Maybe put some effort in sandy as well, finding a way to bypass the freq wall would ve great :). Great result!
  12. Was a solid 5550 2c, going to 5570 boot in windows, at 1.55v. 5500 all cores.
  13. No 3 and 7 are sold, pending shipping. No 12 pending payment, added 2500k to the deal. The rest are up for grabs, more items will be added after Easter holidays.
  14. Check my topic, have one full package, including benchtable.
  15. What is considered to be a ridiculous price?
  16. Fking hell. Needed 15 years for someone to play it right :D. Congrats, huge discovery. Wish to know if you can apply same principles to rex or other boards.
  17. I think it's about time to put it on ln2 :D Glad you sorted out the 1000 bugs cpu comes with :)).
  18. Like coming to a competition with a motorcycle with sidecar and complaining the other ones should do the same, instead of getting of it all the unnecesarry stuff, and be light.
  19. Added things. Post updated.
  20. Well done mate, i see your struggle finally paid off, now you can take a break a couple of years, haha.
  21. This is the one from me ? I had high hopes for it,freq wise.
  22. Wow,just wow on all hardware there. Master Luumi in action.
  23. Up
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