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Everything posted by suzuki

  1. The only reason i didn’t freeze a kit so far is that i coudn’t remove damn heatspreaders. I consider that i paid 300$ for that service and not the item itself :)).
  2. suzuki

    Fluke 52 II

  3. Hey guys, For trade the best 4790k i got out of 6 pieces recently. Core is very strong, 5 ghz@1.22 v in 2c wprime32 and 5 ghz@1.25/6 wprime 1024. IMC i was able to bench 2950 9-12-12 very tight. Testing was done on z97 Oc Formula, Cpu input voltage at 1.71v ,ambient 20 degrees,cooling AIO. If the new owner can relid it properly, will gain 10 degrees lower than what i obtained and maybe better results. I want to trade with similar 4770k/3770k.or very good 2600k/2700k. Offers via PM.
  4. suzuki

    Fluke 52 II

    Title: Fluke 52 II Description: Used, Bulk Price: 160€+ shipping Shipping Options: EU with tracking Payment: Bank Transfer/Paypal(fee covered) Photos:
  5. There is a queue ,apparently there is a long list of people wanting it :D.
  6. You got me at raging pussy. Put catzilla, i bought steam license not so long ago,need to use it ,haha.
  7. Not sure what you mean, 8700k and 9900k not even an error with Benchmate. I had a weird behaviour when cb15 was given quatum pc scores. (4000 maxxmem)
  8. Many thanks. Yeah, cpu is a beast, on imc side as well. Need to resub as i discovered new settings for mems.
  9. Lower resolution ? Hmm,thank you.
  10. That is some serious investment . 4600 c18 kit from Galax ?
  11. Ty, was a pretest, now i think the cpu is dead :)).
  12. Should end this year, to be CC for 2020. Before Christmas would be preferred. Five Stages max, as it becomes difficult to track who is doing what :))). Please do not choose obscure stages, leave those for team cup competition. Boost Benchmate , it is nice to see such a tool dedicated to the comunity.
  13. You have pm.
  14. Reminds me of my enthusiasm years ago,i wanted everything :)). Years later,i have pretty much all. Maybe i will let go a few of the things which meets your citeria.
  15. I don’t have the case but see if this helps. https://www.google.ro/search?q=240mm+radiator+adaptor&client=safari&hl=en-ro&prmd=isvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjR3uegv4HsAhWDzqQKHeMiC9YQ_AUoAXoECAkQAQ&biw=414&bih=622&dpr=3#imgrc=VauaaJrYnD7IJM
  16. Thank you, definitely one of my best subs so far and even this one can be impproved. No ln2, as i will be out of apprentice. Soon it will be double SS benching, Cpu/Vga - Cpu/Nbb - Cpu/Ram.
  17. I can boot 6300 in windows but for some reason everything i try over 6200 in load freezes.
  18. Improved only 900 ms. Still bothers me that i cannot go more in freq/mem cpu :)).
  19. I think i have video with the end of the run. Le :
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