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Everything posted by speed.fastest

  1. And i forgot to add, this is post code that you can wait even for 1 minutes : 06 4F 04 22 62 78 79 And this is what post code you cant wait : 09 41 49 (Mainly because some timing too tight) 55 (can be failed training, you can retry same setting 5-10 times to see if it worked). Much better if you can lock RTL/IOL, once you boot you can restart without problem.
  2. Thats weird @Leeghoofd, in my test kaby IMC is much better than Skylake, only some timing is different than on skylake. And i notice voltage too, on Skylake my kit only topped at 1.8678v with vtt 0.9375v, and with kaby lake i can run 1.9008v with vtt 0.9375v, testing on 32M waza with my best skylake IMC only topped at 1960mhz 12-11-11 tight 1.8678v, with kaby i can run 1988 12-11-11 tight 1.9008v which is always unstable/blue screen voltage on Skylake. I noticed too 2 DIMM board can have much higher voltage tolerance on some B-Die Kit.
  3. Tested L639G CPU vid 1.12-1.136v, all of them did at least 6775MHz R15 with F1 Dark. For 6.8GHz+ R15 surprised me that vid 1.136v did it, even 6.8GHz only 1.75v R15 with Apex
  4. Well i can run 4K 1T C12 Waza on Gene, but when you do Super Tight you see it will be very hard to stabilize. If for XMP its very easy to do and even stable
  5. @12 it is @Leeghoofd hazzan said maybe still will go computex but no oc
  6. There is so many good CPU here, so much Indomie CPU Thank you Hideo
  7. This is awesome, ambient water? Nice score & chip btw
  8. Nice chip, nice run, awesome score, congrats!
  9. First Competitive Overclocking from 2010 with KOC2 Forums, but first LN2 session is back than in Country Cup 2013, did WR with my friends (Hazzan, placid, xgamespati, and fahmi_thebull, rhodie, yash_yulian, tashim, bambang some other) at STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta. All of them is great teacher and friends placid`s HWBOT Prime score: 4447.23 pps with a Core i3 540
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