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Everything posted by speed.fastest

  1. Update on i7 6700 non K and tweaked OS. I think this still not optimized OS? Or memory? http://hwbot.org/submission/3234747_speed.fastest_superpi___32m_core_i7_6700_6min_7sec_172ms
  2. @hambaaaallah did you boot use firadisk boot screen and choose number 2 menu after you sucessfull install & formatting disk?
  3. I hope this can fit in this Thread 6700 B# L524B353 Not Delidded Cooler : Custom Water (30 Celcius Ambient) 5120MHz Core & Cache @ 1.57v = http://valid.x86.fr/6k9hz3 GPUPI for CPU 1B @ 4.8GHz Core & Cache 1.45v (dont try lower voltage yet) 3DMark03 4.8GHz Core & Cache 1.425v (dont try lower voltage yet)
  4. Little Update, will do 49xx mhz next, 5ghz if can http://hwbot.org/submission/3221100_speed.fastest_superpi___32m_core_i3_6100_6min_16sec_765ms
  5. After change TIM on the die with GC Extreme, this is first time trying XTU again...
  6. There is obvious problem, if you hit 90+ temp you need to cool them. Maybe try take your radiator in ice bucket, if not you need to step up to single stage phase change cooler or dry ice or ln2. Thats definitely temp limit.
  7. Increasing vcore, 1.48v 4.8ghz is very cool temp.
  8. The secrets in el comp is upping your vcore to get above 20 Celcius, thats what i do when i join el comps
  9. Still not 5GHz, and this is first run. At least i've tried I will try to push it more when colder temp cooler avaible in the house...
  10. Doing (50x, 100x, 150, etc) 0.1pts Hardware Point at once
  11. Proposing to Asus to make XP ACPI, and the race start again
  12. Doing first submission for the hardware...
  13. Crazy vcore on AIO? Not dead? What temp? Very nice result on AIO btw.
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