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Everything posted by speed.fastest

  1. If it in XP with efficient = WR. This is Win7 WR lol
  2. Oh thanks for the info. Im sorry ruining your party :ws:
  3. Impressive run! So with b-die 2-4s slower than i7. Thank for the very valuable information!
  4. Did you try older version before 4K Catzilla introduced? Maybe different version make different score but no one find out the result difference. I dont comment this as judge or anything. Just curiousity if newer catzilla version made much higher score. Best Regards, Muhammad
  5. This is chilled water maybe not custom? Chilled water had different cooling category.
  6. I run hwbot prime on g3258 @ 4.8ghz get 48xx point and it get blocked because bugged run. But i dont have experience with catzilla.
  7. Wow! Finally Skylake beat Haswell @ 5GHz. Impact doing very good job! TRFC 180?
  8. Thanks man, i never know if xoc bios support non K overclocking, i try it with 0018 BIOS on Gene and it worked
  9. Very good run! Make me want b-die So the difference between b-die & e-die about 3 seconds, and i7 vs i3 4-6 seconds. Thanks for the info btw.
  10. So 2 dimm board is a must, my wall at 1T is at about 1980 12-19-19 1T. Thanks for the information.
  11. Anyone experience the same with Gene? I need 2T and loose RTL for such memory frequency?
  12. I like proposal #7, but adding more new league? Extreme, Elite, Pro? Too many i think.
  13. At least they selling Z170M OCF in limited quantity, i will buy it...
  14. Maybe to make it simple, dont make a competition with cooling limiter, but clock limiting is good idea, just make it sure the competition is for non pro or pro allowed. For league, for me Elite, Extreme (Sub Ambient & Zero Cooling) & Enthusiast League (Stock, Air, Water, Custom Water) is enough, don't need to make new league. This is make people to do their best, because too long in Enthusiast League in HWBot is not a good idea, this is the place that extreme is common & normal. But that just my two cents.
  15. I want to know efficiency for Core i3 or Pentium G at 4GHz in Super Pi 32M. Because it's hard to find info about Core i3 or Pentium G at 4GHz 32m. It seems i need to work on my efficiency. Rule is simple, like other low clock challenge, core & cache speed limited to 4009 MHz, because i see core clock jumping between 4002.5-4007.5mhz on my system. As for now this is my best result : This is faster but fail : Thanks
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