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Everything posted by l0ud_sil3nc3

  1. How do you get bclk to work in GTL on XP? I have tried the linked MEI and installed it via device manager but no luck with bclk adjustment. Thinking it's my OS at this point . . .
  2. quick run, with memory on air: http://hwbot.org/submission/2589296_
  3. Agreed, pass on anywhere humid. On another note, I am going to start prepping to do another bench house at CES this year, so it will be unlikely that I would be able to attend unless sometime in March.
  4. Awesome run Slaske6, nice combo of strong card + proper cpu + great tuning.
  5. Pentium eats VCCIN, I have not found a chip that needs less than 2.5 for 5.8+
  6. Malay chips are monsters compared to their Costa counterparts! Great job DJ
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