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Everything posted by sumonpathak

  1. anyway...i will run this on a few cards and report back...
  2. actually i was more interested on why AMD card is not fairing well...wanted to look into that part
  3. anyway to get the source code? i have a buddy who is interested in coding part of benchmarking..so was thinking if anyway i can get him to help out.
  4. ^^umm...fix the downloads links maybe? MAXmem is still effed up
  5. ah well...bring a few more 7870's over here aye...
  6. ok the benchmark is outputting 0KB files...any fixes?
  7. tell me which benchmarks to run and at what settings...have both now
  8. a few results from a guy in my forum http://www.ocfreaks.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1363&p=10051&viewfull=1#post10051 hope this helps my results coming up in a few days...
  9. Geniben for president i can do beta testing if u want
  10. hmmm....a new bug in HWBOT?
  11. you sir is awsome!
  12. as soon as one gives out ALL the tweaks am gonna dump this
  13. Ticket ID: 1587 Priority: High please add this two video card and motherboard\r\nhttp://i.imgur.com/pUcCt.png
  14. well.....i HATE the boost clock feature...anyway to disable it? i found something at OBR's blog...but am not too sure about the pStates..are they same across all the manufacturers? somebody help me out btw the culprit is 660ti DC II TOP version...
  15. so we both can get banned?
  16. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=jive%20turkey *rolls away*
  17. i got some suggestion...but i need some protection from banning first
  18. bunnyfication LOL wattt???????? fuck u all.....
  19. testing bunnyextraction lol wat
  20. i think that's what he means...interesting idea though....might bring more guys out..
  21. An user from OC league joined..made some submissions also...but his points are not being added to team points..am i missing something here? User: http://www.hwbot.org/user/$ingh/
  22. check the ram socket and the cpu socket too
  23. blamed as directed...... now spill it also...the point system needs re tune....a guy from oc league joined team....but his points are not added
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