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Everything posted by sumonpathak

  1. thanks one of them is from my team : http://hwbot.org/user/B%20L%20!%20T%20Z/ aniket's rename got mixed with the other
  2. i will be watching
  3. So...i ran this two in my backup rig and i was greeted with this?
  4. what if someone uses MVP and not disclose it? will you guys be monitoring all Z77 submissions?
  5. sure thanks
  6. Where to put this? Athlon II X3 425 unlocked to Phenom II X4 b25 http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2282231
  7. u can edit Ur submission try it...
  8. ^^this...me poor guy or else would have donated some $
  9. 5days running damn you bob what did you do?
  10. spill it running PCm for 16HRS straight..
  11. facing the same prob here mate... 12 submission reported...
  12. Erm..what happened there??? the submission was made on 09 Dec 2010...so at that time the rig picture was not needed...
  13. oh lol...since he is new he didn't knew how to add a card
  14. well...after 12.1 update the card shows up like this http://www.techpowerup.com/gpuz/d7x6a/ what to do now??
  15. well...after 12.1 update the card shows up like this http://www.techpowerup.com/gpuz/d7x6a/ what to do now??
  16. i guess it will be the usual gigabyte board only and no limit competition
  17. Ticket ID: 1468 Priority: High Please add this card http://www.techpowerup.com/gpuz/mk6sb/ mobility radeon HD 4350... http://www.notebookcheck.net/ATI-Mobility-Radeon-HD-4350.30505.0.html
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