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Xtreme Addict

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Everything posted by Xtreme Addict

  1. I am totally done, i3 3240 brand new box DOA and my Pentium G died few weeks ago when I tested some motherboard for RMA. No cpu for this stage...
  2. Epic fail to Poland this year, but let's hope we will get more points in other stages
  3. lower bclk for instance to 98,6 mhz and try to boot, you have to pass memory training first before going full mhz
  4. So far Costa Rica is banana edition Haswell but with strong IMC
  5. We should get extra big table with Allen and specially designed floor cause our american - polish sizes may kill our benching room
  6. No idea who is responsible for your country but I sent email with this topic to MSI HQ, hope they can help
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