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Everything posted by sin0822

  1. sin0822

    Computex 2016

    Ill be there
  2. I mean he joined 11 months ago, that whole thing happened like 6 months ago. I bet it could be him, maybe he wanted to find a hobby where he didn't have to leave his house? haha
  3. ahh okay cool, just didn't know who it was
  4. The guy who found this issue and brought it to attention said hes a German overclocker who had access to 200+ Skylake CPUs, anyone know who he is?
  5. Ahh, Okay I haven't tried a non-K chip yet, but one should be in my hands tomorrow. I will check to see if AVX instruction increase the voltage Thanks for the tip!
  6. So I plan to add a section on non-K OC using Supermicro's C7Z170-OCE since it's an OC board and Supermicro did have that BIOS first. I will look at it there. I know that AVX does seem to have a pretty big impact. A quick glance at the LLC results (each boards' page has LLC tests) I test maximum load with CINEBENCH R11.5 (I don't think it has AVX) and then I also do Intel Burn Test with AVX. Of course the load of IBT itself could just raise or lower voltages more, but obviously there is a large increase in power considering the increases in voltages when utilizing positive LLC and decreases with negative LLC levels. I will look into a more consistent way to test this out and the impacts on power management. There might also be an impact depending on the voltage mode used, but i would think that with non-K OC you would use manual mode instead of adaptive or offset since the frequency doesn't drop. Using LLC on manual is there, but can be negated depending on the LLC of the board. You want to know whats really crazy, all the five boards I used in the article (and including the Supermicro #6) all use the same PWM! lol, you would think their LLC would be quite similar, but its greatly differs between brands (two brands are quite close tho). BTW thanks!
  7. Here is mine: http://www.tweaktown.com/guides/7481/tweaktowns-ultimate-intel-skylake-overclocking-guide/index.html I aimed to make it much more basic in the beginning, and then offer more pertinent information later, and then try and offer something different.
  8. Where did you get the patent? just curious. Also, question, how do you plan to combat companies that offer 3D printing for user submitted STL files? Already on OCN people have taken the original STL and paid online 3d printing companies to print it.
  9. Nice !
  10. honestly, i 3d printed the other STL and I am currently building my own b/c the other needs to be sanded. Why are you guys hating on the 3D printed model?
  11. Why would you use this design of a block moving and delidding the CPU, how would that work with plastic 3D printing? The screw would just go into the block unless you add some type of metal stopper. Why not make the block solid and push the bodies together like the other 3D printed design?
  12. Exactly.
  13. Hey Alex, I think you did a great job. Also I don't agree with hiding information to make it challenging, there is literally no guide on tweaking tertiaries for DDR4, plus isn't not like he wrote a guide on "How to Splave" and beat Splave at his own game in the HOT comp. He just wanted to share his knowledge of one of the more intimidating areas of DRAM overclocking, where things differ a lot, and he gave advice on how to overcome odds that give people headaches and make them burn motherboards and set them afloat on lakes. There is a reason that ROG guys release those LN2 benching guides at launch, there is no reason for them to hide the information, as if they make it more public on their platform people will buy it. It's the same thing as DRAm timing profiles they had, I bet a lot of money that boosted their ROG sales a tiny bit as well. Anyways nice job Alex, people always going to find problems, and there is always room for improvement.
  14. I am also not able to validate like before, it does seem that the program is putting more load on the system, I think if you enable the XOC it is less, but still I can't get the same validations I could before.
  15. Whatever, what a pain. Why bother loading the CPU with this xtreme OC thing? Isn't the point not to have a load? Also how to get this feature where it saves validation file every 3sec>? I tried with set to 0 and 1 and neither saves every 3 sec
  16. Its funny, Intel designed Haswell with an FIVR and manufactures end up giving these CPUs the most VRs (granted most aren't switching VRs) I have seen for a single CPU.
  17. Massman are you putting together a list of events and such?
  18. interesting maybe its different for the 6-core CPUs.
  19. Yea don't blame server, if the server can't handle it(then fix the servers, I think you have some sort of obligation, they are still broke from the last issues I told you about Pieter) let the forums handle it, they have time stamped posts. That is how we handled these types of comps back in the day, forum time stamps.
  20. I honestly didn't know it was possible not to do it the way I posted, but I guess its possible to do it this way, just like its possible to milk a cat.
  21. Id say you guys change rules so that a score is released at the start of each stage as the score to match.
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